Afrezza corrections

Man what did you do to the site, I haven’t been able to get in until now! And my discuss app won’t work for it anymore.

Anyways… they charge per NDC. Each different box of cartridges each has its own NDC. So I used to pay for two prescription when I got two different boxes. Now I just the one type of box and only pay for one. :slight_smile: and it’s easier than trying to figure out exactly how many you need of each.


You have to change the discourse app to ‘’ from the other site ‘’.


Yeah figured it out. That was an abrupt change. :slight_smile:

This Is what happens when you don’t get a dose right with novolog, and have to break out the big guns


Did I eat a big Stromboli at an Italian restaurant for lunch today? Prove it…


@Sam, this is just amazing!

I love your line! We should use it on twitter :slight_smile:

Do you mind if I post this on twitter tomorrow or the day after?


Feel free


Now I’m hungry for Stromboli!!!



@Sam It doesn’t appear as if you actually have diabetes. Are you really just trolling us? :cheeky:


Well the Dexcom graph just seemingly throws out all the outliers and shows your average trend… the individual daily graphs can be a lot more choppy

@Sam I was talking about your daily range ( the vertical gray lines on either side of the average trend line). Your range for the ninety days looks to be about 65 on the low side and 130 on the high side. That, my friend, is nothing short of incredible.

So, you are busted :troll_flag:


Yeah but the vertical gray lines are showing your interquartile range I believe (is that the right term) ? Throwing out many of the highs and lows as outliers. I can assure you I was in the 180+ range numerous times a week this entire time but they’re only averaging readings from within the range from 25% to 75% of the range and depicting that in the gray lines… I know I’m not explaining it well but that is how it works… you can see in the pictures posted above individual high readings that never make it into the 90 day average-- bc they’re not counted, they’re outliers

Start looking at the daily tracings paints a different picture, but when they throw out he outliers and focus on the inner quartiles like they do in the summary (sorry if wrong terminology) it shows a better general picture of overall control

For example at this moment my Dexcom reads 169… if I print out a weekly report tonight that includes today’s data, it won’t show it ever went that high, because 75% of the time at this time of the day, I wasn’t that high

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@Sam Yeah, that was a pretty good explanation of quartiles. I was just giving you a hard time because your track looks so damn good, and I’m seriously jealous :sob:

It appears that you have this beast tamed quite well :+1:


Thanks doc, I try. This 160 seems to be leveled off and be hanging there after lunch (bolused with novolog for a ham and cheese sandwich.). Think it’s time to kick it in the ass with a 4 of afrezza. Pics to follow


I feel for you Sam. I had a 30g lunch at noon today, bolused 36 units of novolog, was at 100. Bg rose quickly to 160 by 2pm, 30 unit correction. 4 pm Bg was 168, 20 unit rage bolus. 5:20pm Bg still 160 and only 9 units IOB. I should have rage bolused 40 units, because I’m going to take 20 units right right now so I can eat dinner when I get home.
No pics to follow.

FIASP can’t come soon enough.


Oh, @docslotnick! I’m sorry! Wish it were easier.

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@Irish Thanks. But really I’m not complaining. It really doesn’t matter if I take 3 units or 30 units at a time. I just wish it would work better.

I really have nothing to complain about either. I’ve had diabetes for so long that it’s just a part of me. And I have made it through pretty well with no complications.

The ones I feel bad for are the kids and their parents trying to come to grips with this disease.

You don’t want to be high like me
Never really knowing why like me

Exactly one hour after I took the afrezza… and I know it’ll level out in range w/o hypos even though I dosed it with novolog on board… it’s magical stuff. Will post the horizontal arrow in range, here, in real time when I see it too.

ETA---- 15 minutes later. Here it is… how’d I predict this?:


7:39am I’m at 174 (under bolus from late snack). 4u puff and voila!!! Hour later I’m right around 100 and leveled out in mid 70’s.