When is Sharing about our Disease “Burdensome” to Family Members, and When is it Necessary to Good Communication?


Is there a forum for Catholic Diabetics? I was raised Catholic but married Protestant…so who knows if my confirmation still holds. My wedding was quite the scandal according to my extended family.

If there is a FUD meet-up, I’d love to meet the two of you. :grinning:

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COMPLETELY off-topic (and, therefore, self-absorbed), but is this a recognized way to show sarcasm?? I get myself in a lot of trouble by not being able to communicate that I was using sarcasm…

@T1Allison, I’m not skipping your story. I just need some time for that response. Maybe a lot of time. :grin:

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I think “/s” started out to be a sort of official way to indicate that sarcasm has ended in online posts.

I have answered enough questions about what that “/s” means to extend my personal one to “/sarc”. I think today most people use the emoji thing to denote sarcasm, but I find that I don’t always understand those, so most of the time I use my “/sarc” so there is no confusion. Especially when there could be confusion. If that makes sensical sense.

Feel free to use, I hold no copyright on the “/sarc”

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They’re pretty awful. :grin: this one is my go-to. :grin: see? I did that second one out of habit.

I’ll try out the \sarc.


Then I’ll try to do it right. /sarc. :grin:


Thank you so much for describing this condition @Jattzl. I havent, as far as I know, developed any major complications, but I do think I have some very minor version of what is described in the article you linked. The article explains Diabetic Cheiroarthropathy very well. Thank you for linking it!!!

"However, in people with diabetes, elevated blood sugar levels bind to a wide variety of proteins, so-called glycation. The binding of glucose to the red cell protein hemoglobin is the basis of the HbA1c assay.

The same phenomenon occurs with collagen, the major component of our connective tissues. Over many years, the glucose binds to the collagen, and changes the physical characteristics of the collagen―it makes the collagen stiffer."

I do feel like my hands are much stiffer than is normal. I feel like I always have to baby parts of my body or I end up with stiffness or aches. When swimming, I have to switch off breathing on either side, or I end up with problems with my shoulder. I had to stop wearing birkenstocks because they seemed to aggravate my Achilles tendon. I have to be careful how I hold my phone or how long I hold a mouse or else my hand will start to ache. I need to exercise regularly or my whole body seems to stiffen up, and I’ll get back pain or headaches. There’s lots of other stuff. None of it is a big deal, and when I’ve asked a doctor about it, they never seem to take me seriously. So I’ve mostly just ignored it and do my best to exercise or whatever else relieves the stiffness.

I’ve had diabetes for 22 years though, and while I think I have decent control, it hasn’t always been as good as it is now. My A1cs have never been terrible, but my variability used to be much higher before I got a cgm a couple years back.

So anyway, thanks for sharing your knowledge :slight_smile:


So what exactly is a “weekly share brunch”? That sounds like something I’d enjoy… except for the family part. I’m not sure if that’s mandatory. :smiley:

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So I don’t have diabetes, but I have recently been diagnosed with melanoma. And I’m taking my time and figuring out who is the right person to have chop it off the top of my foot.

Anyhow, I share this because this thread motivated me to finally just dish it out to my mother. But before I managed to do that, I was really reflecting on how occasionally difficult it is to share about health issues!! I’m generally a wear-it-on-my-sleeve kind of person, but it does get really tiring answering questions about a health condition, especially if you’re at a point where there are not yet answers. So I just wanted to throw that out there @Jattzl - that I’ve realized it’s sometimes easy and sometimes hard to share.

Don’t worry, soon I’ll have my giant ask-me-about-melanoma hat on and be willing to (over) share with everyone. :female_detective: :womans_hat: :sunglasses: ( there is no proper emoji for my giant sun hat that I love to wear. The closest I could get was the detective! :rofl:)


:two_hearts: :two_hearts::two_hearts:
And you’re gonna be alright. :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

True. I like to encourage others, but I haven’t always liked to share myself.


:grin: Well no family except my daughters and my son if he’s in town. They are so great! One of the benefits of having kids early, I think, as they are 43, 40 and 28. I really didn’t think I’d live to see them at these ages so I cherish every day with them. I don’t know what I’d do without our weekly get togethers. Every weekend we meet up and just catch up on the week.


Good for you @TravelingOn I will watch and learn from you. I hope it goes well and you have lots of good news for us!

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This is a long-standing problem. Back in the 50’s, the neighbor lady across the street was having terrible back pains. It turns out that psychiatry is unable to cure cancer, and outcomes like this, over the past six decades, don’t seem to have enough impact on the practice of medicine.


Wow! That is a great summary.


WOW. Just WOW. SO glad he is better!

You should go to a TV station with this info. If nothing else, post it all over social media. You have the documentation to back it up so they can’t stop you.

You know what was just as scary? That none of the other parents cared. I contacted several other families (whose kids had also been sick more than is close to normal, even in day care), and no one else left. We were apparently the fifth family that the staff risked their jobs for, but we were the first to do anything about it. I took it all to the county inspector (who had also been investigating a bruise of a handprint on another toddler’s behind that week at the same day care), and the inspector said I was wrong. The day care director had to have been related or had some dirt on the inspector for all this to be ignored.

As for me and mine, we’ll be in an undisclosed location with mattresses full of cash avoiding all corrupt systems…joking…sort of.

The day care director told her staffers, “Allison’s trouble”. Damn straight I am if you are hurting people. I want that on my headstone. Best thing ever said about me.