What to print out from loop for MD tomorrow

I’m meeting with my endo tomorrow and he is not aware that I’m running loop! I’m kinda nervous. I’ve had this endo for about a year and he’s great but he’s kind a by the book so might not like me doing loop.

I’m currently doing nightscout as well as tidepool and even Dexcom Clarity.

What would you suggest I print out?

Has anyone made a handout / summary sheet or whatever that they can also give to their endo if they are unaware or want info on loop?


I printed out the AGP report from Dexcom Clarity to show what had been going on with my BG over the most recent month. The endo was reassured by what the graph showed.

I hope you will do what the endo says so that you can do a good job of managing his blood sugar and his diabetes and his health. Because you owe it to your endo to do the best job with his disease. It’s his health that is at risk.

No wait…that’s not right. :thinking:



We give our Endo a code access for Clarity so they can pull up the data online.

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Me too, It’s the easiest way.

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Todays endo appointment was AMAZING!

I printed out b/w tidepool for 2 weeks, dexcom for the month, and hand wrote insulin for 2 weeks.

Doc walks in with his own Clarity report and says I kid you not something like “this looks so amazing that I should frame it!”

I told him it was all thanks to Loop. He said he heard something about it and wanted to know more!

I gave him the loopkit.com web site and told him all data uploads to tidepool.

He was so intrigued that he said he has 1 other that’s on it but he knows that 670 is the only choice right now and might want to offer something different to his patients!

He actually asked me if I’d want to teach a class! I didn’t know what to say but I’m thinking about it!

There is actually a facebook group with parents of T1 kids locally here in St. Louis MO that has meet ups every so often so I may get with them and see if we can do something together. I have no clue how to lead a class but I’m flattered!

If anyone has any ideas, fliers, etc. that would be helpful.

I was actually thinking of bringing ingredients for chaffles and making those as a snack. Perhaps I can get a local grocery store to donate depending on how many show up and the venue.

The facebook group uses the library conference rooms which are free if you don’t sell anything, or so I’ve heard.


If I was a doctor I’d consider it an extreme liability to endorse any sort of non approved home-made system like this. I’d recommend being prepared for a negative response…

Sorry hadn’t read your last post… I’m glad to hear you have a forward thinking doc… they are rare!