What the heck!

Oh, sorry, I mean that I have come down, but I’m just not within my target range yet, Running between 8-10 all night. I’ve been correcting every few hours, and just put my basal up by another 0.2 u/hr and hour or so ago. Usually this type of thing lasts a week or two and then I crash low-low-low and have to set everything back. It’s the primary reason I don’t bother to really do any serious basal testing (though I do “test” it if I happen to skip meals or eat late just in the course of my day). At most, a basal rate only lasts two to three weeks for me before it needs to be changed.

Part of what makes this so freakin’ difficult is that often in an attempt to be aggressive I’m too aggressive and end up low. Such a tough balancing act to get right when things are not consistent in terms of timing or the amount insulin needs to be adjusted. I remember on another site @Sam posted a topic about men and women having different diabetes outcomes in terms of mobidity and mortality and we had a discussion about why this might be. Well, I think this right here is the reason since it happens every single month for like 30 years! That’s gotta have some effect on overall level of control and risk of complications (sadly).