My name is Sarah or Boo, referred to as Engel on here.
I am a Type one Diabetic, I am currently 21 years old, and I was diagnosed 2008.
I’m no to big into writing my whole life story, so feel free to ask away with any questions and I would be more then happy to answer. I look forward to chatting with all of you.
Welcome Engel! Awesome to have you over here! You just missed the last HUUUUUUGE party we had over here, but there will be another soon probably.
What is your current program? Pump/MDI? CGM? Insulin types? What are you up too these days? College/work? Are you married/kids? Do you like long walks on the beach? Wait…wrong place for that last question so strike that one!!!
Just a Pump. Omnipod.
Work (loads of fun) I am a Engineer.
Single unfortunately lol.
And I recently went to the beach…I do like long walks on the beach. lol.
No, didn’t have that problem, but I did end up losing my original doctor, I think she retied, not 100% sure, went through two more docs so far and have stuck with the third guy but hes not all that. lol.