Welcome, introduce yourself here!

I think I’m doing this in the wrong order, but figure that I should officially introduce myself even though I’ve already posted on other threads. But that is also part of my story. :blush: I found FUD a few months ago when my short-acting insulin was accidentally frozen – and I was panicked. When I searched online, I had little hope of finding anything helpful. How glad I was to be wrong! Turns out that @Chris (thanks!) had done some helpful research on his own and shared it for others of us to see. the-great-frozen-insulin-experiment-part-2/1146

I was diagnosed with T1 diabetes when I was 11, back in 1972, so I have passed my 46 year diaversary (I like that term). :slight_smile:

I am married and have two grown sons, one of whom is married. We raised our family in western Washington, but our lives took a big turn in 2010. At that time my husband and I moved to Papua New Guinea for my husband’s work.

I am currently using a Dexcom G4 with MDI. I have pumped in the past, but it’s not as workable here. The CGM has become more of a necessity as I have slept through too many lows in the last few years.

My challenges are maintaining BG while on-the-go plus dealing with supplies while living remotely in a foreign country. I’m really grateful that there are others “like me” that I can interact with and share experiences. Thanks, FUD, for providing this means of sharing with each other.