The Humidity Hair Struggle

This has nothing to do with diabetes.

My struggle with humidity while in Mom Survival Mode means that the only thing separating me from the Lion in The Wizard of Oz today was a red ribbon.

Exhibit A:

I was washing my hands in the bathroom at work and looked in the mirror and realized, “Oh man, I look exactly like the Lion from The Wizard of Oz with this crazy, humidity-ridden, mom hair and hairstyle choice today.”

Naturally I told my coworkers because I thought it was funny. And they couldn’t stop laughing all day. I’d forgotten about it and when I went to ask someone a work question that afternoon, it took them two minutes to gather themselves, say, “Have you found your courage yet?” and then answer the question. Apparently I’m not the only one seeing it. :rofl:

It won’t be any better tomorrow. I’m okay with that.

#momhairdon’tcare #notimetogetittogether



@Chris, that’s certainly an option! Don’t know if I could pull that off.

Since I showed my husband the picture of the Lion, he told me that he can’t un-see the likeness whenever I wear my hair like that. That’s a fairly atypical response from him so I know I’m onto something with the similarity! :rofl::joy:

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