Team Novo Nordisk news

I am a type 2 cyclist, but I am inspired and impressed by type 1 athletes such as those at Team Novo Nordisk. My only complaint is that there is not a Team Novo Nordisk for my tribe, type 2s.


I think there is already a small team of one.

Why not get a few others to join you? :grinning:


@Eric I am not very successful in recruiting my fellow type 2s that I know. As a group we generally tend to be stubbornly non-compliant. I get this from my doctor friends who are frustrated with most of their type 2 patients.

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The article says this:

“Thank you for following Team Novo Nordisk, the World’s 1st all-diabetes professional cycling team racing to inspire, educate & empower everyone living with diabetes.”

Doesn’t specifically say Type 1s.

Maybe contact them to clarify.

Maybe any diabetic on insulin.


From Wikipedia
Team Novo Nordisk is the first professional cycling team to be comprised completely of riders who have type 1 diabetes.[3] All riders and several of the team’s staff, including CEO and Co-founder Phil Southerland, are living with diabetes.[4][5]