As a diabetic, exercise can be a challenge to manage bg’s. Charlie Kimball who is an Indy car driver for the Tresiba team got a great write up today in Ars Technica for his diabetic data being part of the Indy car’s telemetry data and using that data to refine his racing style and pre-race exercise regimen. Reminds me of many of @Eric 's posts! Makes me wish I could easily integrate my D-data on my ride too!
Hey, that is awesome! Great write-up!
There is also Ryan Reed, who drives the #16 Lilly Diabetes Ford Mustang for Roush Fenway Racing.
Great article! By coincidence, this morning I was surprised to discover (thanks Google) that the NHL has 3 players with T1D this season.
Kimball says “I think I’m a better athlete because of diabetes because I listen to my body and I train, I feel it. I’m really conscientious about preparing my body.”
That’s interesting. Max Domi (NHL) said almost the exact same thing. An inspiration we can take from the article and hopefully spread around.