Suggestions for itchy pods?

The itching for me was due to being allergic to the insulin! I switched to a different insulin and it helped the itchy/stinging that was happening with the humalog.


I use Flonase and the itch has reduced a fair bit. Another item I use more frequently is Skin Tac. I use it for my Dexcom and also for my Omnipod Dash - really helps a whole lot.


For itchy adhesive I apply a little Arnicare Gel (tube says it’s for muscle/pain/bruising but stops itching for many hours and can be re-applied). I bought it to eliminate bruising from IV needles, but it comforts many malady’s. I buy at Walmart. Try it you’ll never be without it!
Thank you FUDiabetes for your continued support and Happy Days to y’all! Hemet Hermit (Bette)


Thanks @Hermit, I will give that a try too!


Wipe my skin with Skin-Tac before the Dexcom is put on. Works like a charm. Always use it with Dexcom, don’t have too much of an allergy with Omnipod Dash.


I had similar bruising on arm when it took 3 tries for nurse to get it right. I also found cream that helped, but have to check for brand.

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