So I want to eat something I have no business eating and at LEAST want to stand a fighting chance: What type of extended bolus is best?

The words “POW camp” crossed my mind and, given the prominent role food plays in my life, and in my enjoyment of my life, the book ended up in a yard sale.

This made me LOL.

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For the records - I find pasta very easy to bolus for. For me it digests slowly and follows the insulin curve well.

And for cookies - it really depends on the cookies. We have some high butter fat chocolate chip cookies that take about 1.5 to 2 hours to complete their blood sugar effect. I find this work well with exercise like yardwork where I need a long slow release of glucose. I also eat low carb cookies made with almond flour (which are good for my son who is T1 and celiac).

:smile: - I have to say - he provides a simple solution that works for him and a lot of people . I learned a lot reading his book… but if I had to go for a beer with someone who wrote a diabetes book (ok beer has lots of carbs - sort of like liquid bread - but he says beer is ok but bread is not ?) I would probably go with Gary Scheiner instead or the sugar surfing guy.

I love how he basically writes off aerobic exercise because it is too difficult to deal with blood sugar wise.

Anywhoo… I have been a lazy diabetic lately… Eating higer carb lately (lots of ice cream and cookies) and over-treating lows with cookies (I know I know), not counting protein, eating cheezies before bed. But I have been very active (aerobically) which makes this a lot easier.

Numbers are not great (like the Bernstien folks) but not too bad either…


Right?! That’s an intense recommendation!

You guys are all impressive. Thanks for sharing all your fabulous charts and data.


Trade ya! They’re better than mine. D’you think the secret is the cheezies before bed? :grin:


I was taking LDN off and on before/during my last pregnancy (to try to tamp down thyroid antibody levels - it did work, at first). The only effect on my diet was how nauseated it made me, so I didn’t want to eat. :laughing:


@Beacher - Could have been the Hawkins, could have been the



thanks for pointing this out. i am half joking and half deadly serious.( :wink: )

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i am both thrilled and happy for you and terribly jealous at the same time. would love to figure pasta out. i think the closest i could guess for it would be to try out a 50% up front, and 50% over 2 hours (which on Medronic would be called a “dual bolus” ).

this is just a starting point as my best educated guess. i think that most of my experiments with using dual boluses start with this formula, and then i refine it as i learn what doesnt work. ( but i always try to keep in mind that fattier foods require, at least for me, a long, 3+ hour extended bolus; so i do something like 25% up front, and 75% extended over 3 hours, for say, if i want to have a burger and fries or pizza)

does that make sense?

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It sure sounds right to me.

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do you do something similar?

@daisymae I’m with you. Pasta I have yet to figure out. Pizza is getting better thanks to @daisymae 's suggestions. Generally speaking I save Pizza for a day I have been running low most of the day, then if I am <90 mg/dl before eating will bolus 30-35% up front with no wait time before eating, and the balance over 90 minutes. Occasionally I see a late rise, which I stomp on early and hard by over-bolusing for the correction. I have not used this technique for very long, but it does seem to work most of the time.

Back when manual pumping, yes. For pasta I’d do 50% up front and 50% over 2 hours. And then watch the cgm to see if I needed to make any adjustments.

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How do you bolus for pasta? I would love to hear your bolusing for pasta strategy! My BG seems fine 1, 1.5 and 2 hour. At 3 hours, it’s often ~180 - 200.

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Me, too, especially with my husband’s gluten-free pasta!