I used to forget boluses on a fairly regular basis before I got a CGM. But it’s been quite a long time since I’ve forgotten one, especially since must of the past few years has been eating low-carb.
I’m currently burned out (not being able to eat eggs has done a serious number on my happy low-carb routine) so am not eating low-carb. This morning when I went to bolus for breakfast my pump alarmed that it didn’t have enough insulin. So I changed cartridges and then ate breakfast.
Realized on the way to work that I was feeling high. Nothing will ruin reveling in a 24-hour almost flatline (minus two fairly severe lows) like testing to find you’re 19.1 mmol/L (343 mg/dl). Checked IOB to find nothing except the small one-unit correction I’d given before getting out of bed for waking up at 7.1 mmol/L (127 mg/dl).
About 13 units and two hours later I’m down to 13.3 mmol/L (239 mg/dl).
Ugh. One of many advantages (to me) of low-carb: forgetting a bolus would result in a high of maybe 11 mmol/L (200 mg/dl) that could be brought down in about an hour. None of this battling all morning nonsense.