Singlets vs Doublets

You can get it as a doublet too :grinning:

What’s amazing is that up until about six or seven years ago I could easily handle as much bread as I wanted. I was even into baking some awesome breads ( and eating them whole). My usual breakfast was a bagel with cream cheese and tomato.

Then the bottom fell out out and bread became my worst enemy. That’s what really sucks about diabetes, because I really like bread.

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@docslotnick, I really feel for you because I love bread too!

I am surprised you are not able to find a way? With my son, we experiment a lot for things that are critical to life as we know it, like pizza, until we get it right. Not easy, but eventually we do. Of course, after a few months it changes and we have to do it again :slight_smile:

Now, for us, bread is even more critical than pizza!

I have no idea how anyone could get through lunchtime without a sandwich at least sometimes

He is right. Doc, you must do something about it.

I’ve talked to you about this. You know what my answer is…

@docslotnick it sounds like you have doublet diabetes

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@Eric Yes, I know. I think I really need to speak with my doctor first. Resting HR seems to vary quite a bit, between mid 40’s to about 100. I know that’s definitely not normal.

Now you be careful doc. We need you here!

Doublet old fashioned glass


What should you do if you have 11, and the dealer is showing a 5?

Doublet Down!



I used to have one of those. But it didn’t really have any shine. At all. lol.

Okay, so I liked Doublets, kept me going when my husband was sick-as-■■■■ in 2016…,