Running with OmniLoop

Hi @flyerfansince79 !! I am also a Flyers fan!

I love this picture I got of Gritty from Monday’s game :joy:

I’m not sure if you watched it, but it was a great game to see live!

I just wanted to say hi! I’m also training right now. So cool that you’re getting back into running. I’ll sometimes get rises after runs as well. Like @Eric was saying there’s a bunch of factors that could be leading to that. Some of the things I think I’ve been able to distill it down to includes: adrenaline/stress, too little basal from running catching up with me after I’m done with the run, if I’m running hard enough then whatever I’ve eaten isn’t really getting digested too much until after the run. Did I get that right @Eric ?

So depending on the run and where my BG is at, I’ll typically take some insulin right when I finish running. And if I start dropping then it’s a great chance for some grub :smiley: