Running with OmniLoop

Hey Hey Flyers Fan!

Glad you found us here! Welcome to FUD!

Lots of things about running that could affect your BG. So many factors, and it takes a while to dig into it.

Sometimes the natural response to a hard run is the body releasing hormones to fuel the activity. The other factor is if you are on Loop and cutting basal for a long time, your BG might rise from the basal cuts. So there are a lot of things that could be affecting it.

Can we start with a little of your background? How long have you been running? How long have you been D? Typical carb intake on a normal day - like low, medium, or high carb.

Tell me about your runs. Do you do the same type of runs, or are they varied? What intensity do you usually run at?

Can you share some of the backstory - like your prep, how much you eat before, how close to the start you have eaten, starting BG, finishing BG, basal adjustment amounts, things like that?

Anyway, welcome to FUD!


Unrelated, but my cousin teaches in Philadelphia. They had an anti-bullying campaign at their school.

Joe Watson, who was a little before your time (retired from the Flyers in '78), I think he is a chairman of the anti-bullying campaign or something. He knew somebody from my cousin’s school and arranged for Gritty to show up for their an anti-bullying assembly at the school.


So I thought it was just beautiful, Gritty and Joe Watson teaching kids about not bullying.