Restarting G6 sensor failed? Help!

Hi Everyone,

I have a 8H transmitter and it took me quite a while to find a reliable way to restart my sensors.

The way to restart a sensor with an 8G/8H transmitter is this:

  1. STOP the sensor. (Note 1)
  2. Remove the transmitter from the sensor using blood testing STRIPS. (Note 2)
  3. Keep the transmitter out for 20 minutes (Note 3)
  4. Put the transmitter back into the sensor
  5. Start the sensor on the app using “Start New Sensor”. Enter its correct serial number. (do NOT use 0000)
  6. Wait 2 hours
    BINGO it works again.

Note 1: I did this using the G6 app, but you can use xDrip+ or the Dexcom Receiver.
Some people bought the receiver JUST to do this part, but that seemed like a lot of money to me

Note 2: There are a number of good videos on YouTube showing how to do this. Just search for “Removing G6 transmitters” and you will find them.

Note 3: You DONT have to put the transmitter in the microwave or a special Faraday bag. Just keep it out of the sensor during this time. Some people say 15 minutes, some 20 minutes and some 39 minutes. I did 20 minutes, but if you want to wait longer, it is fine too. Just remember that you will have a 2 hour warmup time as well.

Best wishes and Merry Christmas