Our best week in a long time

.20 to .30

The mathematical definition FOR ME is…how much extra bolus insulin does my son need to avoid spiking up extremely high? Right now we’re using .2 or .3, but we may go to more or less as we find out how effective each dose is, trend wise.

Ok, wow! I guess there is no need for diluent since the pods can handle that.

That is such a great thing to do. It looks like you are making wonderful progress.

Forgive my lack of knowledge about the numbers. Believe it or not, when I was just a little older than Liam, we only had full unit doses! But it was slightly less strength insulin (like U40 or something). That was a long time ago, so I am not really up on the dose totals for a little guy.

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Right, for each person it is different. I was just wondering if there was a standard definition. Like TDD divided by some number = micro-bolus amount. Like a range for each person.

For me, I consider a micro-bolus 0.10 units. But there was no math in that! Just my feeling.

Does anyone have an actual definition of a micro-bolus?!
@Michel ? @britt_j ?

One time Britt and Google had a fight. Britt won.

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After-all, for me a micro-bolus is 0.10 units! I setup a pen for 0.10 unit doses.

My guess is you’re typically hovering a lot closer to your target BG than most of our T1D toddlers are. :slight_smile:

So for Samson a microbolus is, like @ClaudnDaye’s son, about 0.2 units – but this is basically what we need to bump our kid down from, say 170 mg/dL two hours after eating oatmeal to his target BG of 110. If we were ever using these little bumps to drop our son from, say, 130 mg/dL to 100 mg/dL, I suspect that yeah, we’d need a 0.05 dose. Maybe someday soon we’ll get to that point.:pray:


One other thing to consider is the effectiveness of a micro-bolus to a normal one. For example if I were to bolus 0.05 units 10 times over the course of an hour instead of one 0.5 unit bolus–we would have different ending BG numbers. I don’t know why but sometimes there appears to be a threshold.


@Eric, I believe Stephen Ponder uses the term “nudge” – so to me that’s what this is.

Here’s his definition – as good as any I would say!

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Thanks. That is a good reference.

At some point it would be interesting for me to try to define this mathematically. To take a person’s correction factor and their TDD and see if the term “nudge” could be refined a bit.

Don’t worry, it gets easier! I’ve been at this a few years… :older_man: