Omnipod failure

For some reason, when i first started on the POD I got a lot of leaks between the cannula and the skin and had some cannulas pull out. I tried some changes to how I apply the POD (and have had a lot of practice doing it) and now I never have a problem, but I can’t really put a finger on what I changed.

My current technique is to try to stick the cannula end down first so that you get a good seal at the cannula location. Then when I hit the “START” button I squeeze up the skin around the pod and at the same time put pressure on the end of the pod with the cannula. I believe this stops the “recoil” from the canaula insertion and makes sure the cannula is solid in the skin and does not pull back during insertion. I can’t prove anything. It just works so I do it.

I used the word cannula nine times in this post including the quote :laughing: