I wonder what our exercise experts like @Eric think of this information:
I would say they have never met Eric. Their recommendations seem so tame.
Ugh, there are so many horrible things in there!
Okay, I have recovered from reading it. Certain things just make my skin crawl! Like the idea that I need to take carbs if I drop below 144.
I wish I could get in the Olympics, just to squash articles like that.
haha! yeah I had trouble translating the mmol to mg/DL in my head, so I was looking at the ranges and thinking…those seem high to me. But 144, wow, we don’t even do that with Samson.
One of the studies they referenced was a comparison of high carb vs moderate carb post-exercise, to compare muscle glycogen replenishment.
Yeah, when you do not take enough insulin for more carbs, guess what?!? The carbs do you no good! Duh!