New OTC wearable BGM coming out soon

I am interested in older TD2s experience with the new over the counter continuous BCM that are coming out soon. Will Medicare cover the cost? Will they be useful/available to persons using once a day insulin like Toujeo?
Newly FDA approved

  1. Dexcom Stelo
  2. Abbott LINGO AND
  3. Abbott LIBRE RIO

Dexcom Stelo has a benefits check on this page. I would assume it would be similar coverage but maybe a different cost then the G7 of which my medicare cost just when up.

Best Luck :smiley:

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Not sure if it has to be done this way because of insurance and FDA requirements and so forth, but Stelo is described as not needing a prescription and for people not using insulin.

Certainly Dexcom did not come out with totally different technology, right? Isn’t it the same thing with a different label? And they are calling it something different so that they can do it without prescription, as long as you are not using insulin?

Is it not the same as the G7?

I listened to some Dexcom stuff on this, and they really don’t tell you anything! The only thing I got out of it is that it does not have alarms. :man_shrugging:


@Eric Dexcom introduced Dexcom One in the UK at a much cheaper price last year. NHS started letting people pick either the Libre or the Dexcom because of that.(If you can get one, it varies per area)

The Dexcom One does not allow you to calibrate and overall more people seem to like the LIbre over there more than the Dexcom One. They are more used to the Libre and without the possibility of the calibration of the Dexcom One, the Libre seems to be more accurate for them. Some still choose to pay out of pocket for the G6, it has a cheaper price over there.

Personally I think dropping the calibration when they already had the technology is an excuse as to why it’s so much cheaper and they had to justify that. I would expect since the Libre is cheaper, Dexcom will want a cheaper alternative and do the same thing for over here. Not have calibration on it. Otherwise it’s a problem justifying the cost of the G6 covered by insurance and a cheaper alternative they have available. It’s interesting that the Libre is coming out with 2 new ones. I expect one will probably be even cheaper yet to make sure they can try to corner the type 2 market. They have done a better job of that because of the price point.


Thanks @Marie !

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Assume it is similar to this



Obviously ‘cool mint’ is better than 'blue mint’:man_shrugging:


Much cooler!


Obviously it was @jim26 's turn to wake up on the funny side of the bed :grin:


No: Medicare does not cover OTC medications. The reason Abbott are doing this is because there is massive use, and interest, in CGMs from people who are not permitted to use them in the US because they are prescription medications. I.e. in the US it is necessary to get a doctor to write a prescription to use one of these.

Abbott did an end-run round the closed shop and got FDA approval for something that is harmless (i.e. it doesn’t harm you of itself). Compare and contrast with any number of herbal remedies :slight_smile:

The good news is that all the T2s and T1s who, for various reasons, couldn’t get a prescription can now get a CGM OTC, just like I used to do with BG test strips. The bad news is that so far as I can determine Abbott’s price is still ridiculous. This will change.


Once others jump on board a little competition will hopefully bring prices down.


That isn’t what I meant; competition is an illusion. The price will change because the value of the product is so great that the market will rapidly determine selling one thing for $1000 makes much less money than selling the same thing (which has almost 0 cost of production) for $10 10,000 times.

This is Keynes’ point; the traditional “supply demand” economics only works so long as the supply is controlled. Controlling the supply is an essentially fascist thing, “It’s only for people who deserve it, and we determine who they are.”

A true capitalist can only be tempted by supply-demand. It’s not capitalism. A true capitalist makes stuff for $1 and sells it for $2.

I picked up a Stelo a couple days ago. I want it to manage my BG. Dr will not issue a prescription as I am ‘only’ pre diabetic. This condition came from major chemo/radiation treatments which damaged my thryoid and my blood sugar was fully diabetic for many months. Now PreD and trying to manage by eliminating sugar, managing carbs and interminttent fasting. So I picked up this OTC CGM to monitor things, just one of several useful tools certainly not the ultimate solution.