Need advice

Started a new job, and that is great, as the last one I had ZERO work/life balance (was working early, late, never taking breaks and still had piles of work). I’d check my email before and after work to stay on top of what was coming, had to take anxiety medication to get through meetings because the role was extremely front facing and I am shy and introverted, I did my best but it was physically and mentally exhausting.

So, new job. I’m a week in and I’m bored out of my freaking mind. I know there is a period of adjustment, but this is even WORSE than my previous state in terms of my diabetes. I’ve asked if there is anything I can help with, any projects, research, if I can sit and shadow someone, etc. They say the role is undefined, so they aren’t sure what my duties will be, and they give me work that keeps me busy for no time at all. I am boredom eating out of control. It’s especially bad when I’m WFH but at work it’s bad too because there are coffee shops and vending machines.

I’ve been doing self development courses online, reading process documentation, connecting with coworkers (but I also don’t want to bother them too much) and strait up asking for work. I’m literally just sitting here! It’s brutal. I know some people would think this is the dream, but for me it’s a mental nightmare and I crave bad food and even not bad food I just keep snacking.

Suggestions??? I was thinking of strait up fasting?? IDK but I have a whole day tomorrow WFH and I’m dreading it. I also don’t think it looks good to keep asking for work???

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Usually on new jobs there are company training materials, company policies, job related documentation, etc., that you can read to keep you busy while you get in-processed and acclimated. Do you have anything like that which can keep you busy?


I think when starting a new job there’s generally an urge to go all out and prove capability. As above reply mentioned, there’s generally a bit of learning materials. Perhaps this job has an ebb and flow to it where some periods are much busier than others. When I had extra time in prior jobs, sometimes I’d look for ways to automate tasks. On the bright side, there’s a certain confidence in knowing that everything is done correctly.


I do, I’ve been going over the processes all day. I will look up the policies though, didn’t think of that.


I think there is busy and slow periods, and this is a slow one. I just wish it didn’t amplify my anxiety. I wish I had asked before accepting how busy it was and let them know that I like to be busy. Slow work is my absolute nightmare. Maybe slightly less than presentations, but up there. At least in presentations I can’t stuff my face with food and make my blood sugars go haywire!