I’ve had a cgm for a few years. Currently I use the G6, but I was using the G5 when I started Afrezza.
I was affected by the steep falls a correction with Afrezza created. Over time, my variability decreased as I learned the best dosing methods. A steep correction at 180 doesn’t create the same feeling as a steep correction from 250. I may have also adjusted to the falls some. I can’t be sure.
I’ll still have a reaction if it’s a big drop, but I don’t have those very often anymore.
Well it was kind of a trial of hard core carb smoothie which I never have because even pre bolus can’t handle it and I always go low after from the bolus for that high carb count. I should have used an 8! Now I know lol. From 119 no IOB I used a 4. It went up to 296 fast so I did another 4 and dropped double arrows to 96. And smoothly evened out there since. It was a great learning experience for me!
@Jattzl, when I started using Afrezza I also split 4u cartridges but stopped splitting doses after a short time for two reasons:
I found that I built up a bit of a tolerance to it, so the amount a 4u would drop my BG wasn’t as dramatic after the first month or so…don’t get me wrong it’s still an effective insulin that I use every day.
And as I started to get a better feel for the dosing and I used 4u cartridges more I didn’t feel a need for smaller doses.
I enjoyed using afrezza, and might use it again for a little while if my insurance started to cover it, I just found that after a year, it was a lot of space in the refrigerator, and I found I primarily used it for hyperglycemic corrections while driving, etc. It was ideal if I miscounted the carb ratio… much easier to inhale a little more than to take another shot. It was also a lit of hassle with the insurance, Dr dosing amounts, etc. The pulmonologist did blame the afrezza on the decreased lung score, but I agree with the other thread that it is a very flawed test, and my 1st pulmonologist tested twice to receive the 100%, where 85% was still fine for my age.
We will always do a bolus plus extended bolus (Fiasp via X2) for high carb smoothies.
It seems the type of smoothies we make provide an initial quick hit of carbs followed by a slower carb delivery over a few hours. (Or maybe the way they digest - I have no idea how it all works only what we see as a result.)
If the entire bolus is up front, it would result in a seriously sustained low. The second time that happened, it was rather evident that a bolus 100% up front for a high carb smoothie was (at least for us) entirely inappropriate.
Practice makes perfect. (Or at least ballpark close enough.)
Not to distract from the concept of the thread but sounds like you are doing similar with an initial Afrezza bolus followed a short period later by a second Afrezza bolus.
It really is almost like it is some sort of smart insulin… all I can figure is that it just allows for your own body’s mechanisms to put the brakes on and level off a lot better than liquid insulin…
I don’t really know, but clearly there is something that happens with its mechanism that just simply doesn’t happen with injected insulin… and it’s to the great benefit of the user
Yes. If I hadn’t experienced it I could never have known or understood it logically. It’s really like nothing else I’ve experienced. All the manipulations we use to mimic our bodies function feel like a constant battle to force it to control our BG. Whatever is involved in how this works just kind of flows. The concept is so foreign and a big part of why it takes a completely new mindset when using it. The rep was explaining it in more exact details when I met with him but I had no experience with it so I couldn’t take that part in. I look forward to talking with him again.
Yeah it’s pretty amazing stuff… that’s a big part of why they’ve had troubles reaching users because people just don’t understand its benefits… but they’re remarkable… so spread the word
@MM2 when i use the diy 2u i get inconsistent results. Do you think that is due to the small dose or something about the potency changes during the diy process? I’m curious.
I don’t do it often so hard to tell. Instead I do full 4 unit, with small snack and get more consistent results. (As long as I keep the snack small! Usually a handful of cashews).