Life-changing! šŸ˜‹

That recipe does look good!

Part of the appeal to me was just the random assemblage of items I found in the kitchen at the moment, without any prior planning.

I was very low, was not really processing too quickly.

I saw some bacon and thought, ā€œThis isnā€™t gonna helpā€¦:thinking:ā€ And then I started digging around the kitchen and found some honey.

What made it taste great was just the randomness of putting it together. Plus the fact that had I not been low, I never would have made it. :grinning:

I wonder if there is enough experience here on FUD that if we started a thread of random things youā€™ve made when low, if we could create a cool list.

I have a bunch of drinks I could add. I have made a lot of ā€œnon-recipeā€ drinks for lowness.

I remember I posted this one long ago.

This :arrow_up: cracked me up to read it again! Itā€™s like I have a habit of putting together random crap when low and saying itā€™s the best thing ever. :man_facepalming:
(But really, that Guinness one is incredible!)