So far I’ve tried the suggested site (back of the arm)
The lower thigh
The top / inner arm
And the opposite side top / inner arm
And, for me at least, the inner arm is the undeniable favorite, mostly because it’s simply easier to scan/access with my cellphone reader. The factory scanner is a lot more tolerant of placement. The cellphone needs to be relatively centered in the right position to complete a successful scan, hence the preference. It’s just an easier location to read, for me at least.
Although I’ve been fortunate that my sensors have all been relatively accurate, I attribute that less to the location and more to the app/software that I am using, since both 3rd party apps that I use are much more accurate than the factory scanner, which does seem to become more accurate over time as there is more sensor data to use to average out.
The apps I use will both self calibrate with the addition of manual fingerstick blood glucose entries, and will also provide improved reading accuracy over time.
I will say that I find the sensors more than accurate enough to calculate meal, extended, and correction bolus dosage, which, I will freely admit, I was quite skeptical about when first starting up with them. I’ve settled into a daily routine of one morning fingerstick reading to start out my day (fasting glucose) and another one just before bedtime, to get the most accurate reading to base any potential correction bolus needs at bedtime.
I also find that the SimPatch (tan/flesh) can and will last for the entire 14 day sensor life, although it may need a bit of trimming here and there along the way.
The Rocktape (green/black), on the other hand, rarely lasts more than 5 days, so I need 3 patches for the same 14 day sensor life vs using the SimPatch. The Rocktape is also more troublesome to apply, since the sensor must pass through the opening instead of being covered over by the SimPatch.
Due to it’s extended longevity, the SimPatch is substantialy more cost effective since both have the same approximate unit cost.
On several of the Libre Facebook groups, both US and Worldwide groups, there are reports of studies that list the stomache/belly area as being the least accurate location of all. There is also anectdotal enthusiasm for the upper breast area from many female users. Not to mention some pondering as to the potential accuracy for use on a similar “man boob” location. The verdict appears to still be out on that one!