@SobeiT There are instructions for both building Trio by Xcode and GitHub Browser Build. If you look at the “iAPS (soon to be Trio)” FB group, you’ll see several people comment that unless you’re up for Beta testing you should wait for release of the main version; I fully support that recommendation. I’ve used the browser build, but not Xcode, and have resident on my iPhone but have not switched to it as yet.

Browser build is a bit tedious the first time (longer, more involved), but after that it takes like 2 or 3 clicks to rebuild via GitHub. It is imminently doable by a non-techy, but you need to follow the instructions carefully and completely…i.e. don’t interpret/just do after completely reading the instructions (all of them).

Your first step needs to be READ the docs: What is Trio? — Trio 0.0.1 documentation

Read the entire set and gain an appreciation for the complexity of setup. There are many configurable components, some you’ll use, some you wont, some you’ll turn on after a while, and several will require testing and adjustment. It may require some reading of Loop, iAPS, and OpenAPS docs as well as the docs aren’t fully independent as yet and you need to gain a complete understanding. Eventually, I believe the dev’s will fill out the docs better…i.e. the baby has been born, the effort is in its infancy, but its further along because of its heritage.

I also recommend looking at: Trio/fastlane/testflight.md at dev · nightscout/Trio · GitHub if you’re interested in “browser build”. There are a couple of steps I had trouble with, but I didn’t document them, so am relying on memory. I had to retrace steps on adding identifiers, the App Group, and Bundle Identifiers because of additional steps due to previous Xcode builds of Loop/iAPS. The steps were there, but I missed a couple of them. My advice, read thru the instructions completely, THEN do so again, THEN follow them carefully. If you’re starting fresh (i.e. haven’t built Loop, iAPS, or other GitHub browser build), it should actually be easier, more direct, than having built already and having to cut/paste from one build (Loop/iAPS to Trio) to the other in GitHub.

If you run into trouble, I can try to help you through, but I make no claim of expertise. I hold others like Carol Vachon…a main contributor for Loop, iAPS, and Trio on the 3 FB groups…in much higher regard. Carol’s stated to on FB she’ll help new folks through any problems IF they’ll wait until the Main version gets published (should be in the next 1-3 weeks, no guarantees). So, there’s plenty of support, but the wise move is to hold off until the Main version gets released. That said, we can be an eager group with little inhibition against perceived progress….me included…