How do you handle 15 g of carbs when starting at a low/normal BG?

Yes, Eric… it was a very specific general question. :grin:

I don’t know what I’m asking. I’m gathering info. And trying to use things…and that should all scare you because I’m here in your site. :grin:.

I’d love to hear about how people handle eating when low but not necessarily crashing… this is tough for me to navigate. I think there’s probably a good opportunity for some kind of extended bolus there?? But am always so hesitant to add insulin… to injury. :grin: terrible joke. Sorry. I dislike this scenario because it’s a fine line for me… too much insulin, and I’m going to have a hard time climbing out from under it, but even enough insulin that I’ve done too late becomes My next high.

Eating and bolusing with a low/normal blood sugar (even a light low) and extended bolusing… that seems to be what I’m asking about…

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