Hiking Today!

Doing the hike of my life today! It is estimated to take 5 hours, and there will be sections of boardwalk, walking through meadows, walking through creeks and a lot of scrambling at the peak. I’m wearing a running vest with 1.5L on the back and two 500ml on the front. I’ll wear my iWatch so that hopefully I’m locatable if there is issue (I’ve heard that works if I fall, but not too sure). I purchased poles, will bring protein bars, but most importantly TONS of sugar including my nasal spray glucose! Also back up insulin pens and pentip needles (Basalagar and Novorapid) and my finger poker with 2 packs of strips. Bear spray, moleskin blister pads, 2 pair of socks. I think I’m ready! My lovely partner has offered to carry all the backpack and contents, so that will help me immensely. Wish me luck! I’ll report back on the Diabetes part of the adventure.


Good Luck
<Said with the accent from the movie “Taken”> :grin:

What I really meant was have fun & stay safe! :smiley:


Hope you are having fun!


Have a wonderful hike!! You are prepared and TG your partner is taking on the job of backpack toting!! :smiley: :sunrise_over_mountains:

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Sounds like you’re more than ready, Good luck!

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Hey @jo_jo, let us know you got back!

Just got home. The hike took 7 hours, and even though I put exercise mode on 2hrs pre hike, the first half was almost entirely uphill, and I kept going low. Had 1 roll of glucose tabs + a bag of dried mango. Decided to turn control iq off pretty quick, and then put a basal profile of 0.1 units per hour. I’d use that for a bit, then when I saw my BG raise, I’d put it back to my normal 0.65 per hour, but still no control IQ. Felt kind of nauseous on the route home (sugars were good) and had to pull over to barf SEVERAL times. I am going to hydrate now that I’m home, my blood ketones are 1.5 so I’ll try to flush them with hydration. I don’t think I could be in DKA, as my background shows a TDD of 21 units, so I had insulin. I sipped from my camel pack the entire time and hydrated pre and post with electrolytes. I am so darn prone to DKA though so it makes me nervous. Could be unrelated, coincidence sickness? Exertion? Not enough food? Stress? Feels like I could pick any of the above.


Blood ketones 2 hours later are 1.8. Haven’t barfed again, but still nauseous. Normal BG. Should I just keep drinking water or go to ER? Could try to eat carbs + take insulin bolus + drink electrolytes first. I’ll try and see if I can keep that down.


Please keep us posted on how you’re doing!


Ketones are this morning 1.3. Changed my dexcom and am hydrating with electrolytes. Still feel mildly nauseous, but think I’m improving. I talk w my Endo today, so I’ll take his lead on how to proceed and what I could have done differently. Doubt very much I’ll do that long hike anytime soon!


Need fluids insulin to get rid of ketones. This may mean eating or downing carbs to counter insulin. TDD may not be providing a clear picture of the missed basal insulin timing. Don’t let it stop you, another T1D 24/7 experiment.


My ketones are just going up they are 3.1 now. I’m still sipping water, electrolytes and diet pop, but I think I’d puke again if I had anything to eat. My body is freezing and my face is hot. Maybe I’m just sick? I am waiting on my Endo’s phone call now.


I hope you are able to get those ketones down soon! If the endo call is not helpful enough maybe there is an urgent care walk in clinic to get checked over?


Does your electrolyte source include sodium? I “overhydrated” once and learned that very low sodium makes me quite nauseous.

Hope you’ve heard from your endo by now.

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@jo_jo I haven’t had DKA and bow to those with more knowledge, including yourself. On looking up ketones, all I’m finding:
up to .6 = normal;
.6-1.5 = bears monitoring;
1.5-3.0 = contact your doc, possibly got to an ER;
3.0+ = a medical emergency, especially on the rise
I’m not a doc and have been called an alarmist; you may have experience that says otherwise, but please don’t hesitate to get your self checked out. None of us want to remember your experience as anything other than the experience you’ve described!


Thanks everyone. I went to the ER after talking with my Endo. I’m on the cusp of DKA, but not in DKA. I’m being monitored and given fluids and anti nausea meds. Should be better in a few hours.

My Endo gave me some tips for managing my diabetes during exercise which I’ll try out when I’m back to 100%


Perhaps my karma is improving…
@jo_jo and everyone: I’ve followed TCOYD by Drs Edelman and Pettus almost since my T1 diagnosis. They’re both T1s and Docs out at UCSD in San Diego, provide T1 info in both serious and humorous forms, like a video on eating 3 donuts in 15 minutes and trying to stay below 180 BG. Anyway, one of their latest podcasts is on DKA, how to detect, what to do, when to do it; I just listened to it and think it has good advice. You can find it at: Taking Control Of Your Diabetes® - The Podcast! | What is Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)?.

@jo_jo Glad you took the action you did and are feeling somewhat better! I don’t advocate taking TCOYD advice over another doc that actually sees you, but taking in the info from other Docs that have T1, carry some weight in the community, and being your own advocate can’t hurt either. May be worth a listen and consideration WITH the advice you’ve already been given.


140mg of sodium per serving. It’s the biosteel brand.

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