Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry, no food pics, was too busy cooking and eating! There were six pies made, though…

BG not the greatest, but given the desserts and carbs I’ll claim it as a win :slight_smile:


Happy Thanksgiving and best wishes for the start of the holidays to everyone!

Just getting the tree cut and put in the stand is enough for one day. Tree decorations and tree lights tomorrow.


Got some lights put up outside today too.


i did pretty good yesterday…i only had some turkey, some mashed potatoes and a bit of mac and cheese. not a whole lot either

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Holy crap!!! That is the biggest tree I’ve ever seen in a house! Go Eric! Gonna look amazing with the lights on. I forgot about buying a tree because it’s 85° outside. My winter brain is still in hibernation.

Also, amazing lights outside.

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thats ooonnneee tall tree

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I want to spend Christmas at Eric’s house


ME TOO! I thought about asking, but I’m visiting someone else this year unfortunately. Next year, we are open though.

I wondered if his tree is decorated with luer locks, IV tubing, syringes, Pumpkin Spice insulin and Eggnog spiced insulin and tons and tons of test strips?!? That would be years of diabetes supply collecting. I’m sure Eric hasn’t been collecting dibe stuff for years and years. Nah, not that guy.


After 7 days of eating nothing but Thanksgiving leftovers, I am stopping.

Today I am done.

I’m just quitting cold turkey.


Aaarrrggghhh!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But I could go for another piece of pecan pie! :pie:


Ha, we just had ham, sweet potatoes, and green beans for dinner, and we’re making some hot cocoa shortly, complete with mini marshmallows - we just put our tree up tonight. From one holiday right to the next!