Glucose-responsive patch improves Type-2 diabetes insulin response in mice

This November 2017 study, in mice, shows improved insulin response for T2 diabetes when using a patch that responds to glucose levels and injects an insulin-stimulating substance:

This is an interesting study, in my eyes primarily because of the patch technology: it senses glucose levels and administers an insulin-stimulating drug (Exendin-4, chemically close to GLP-1 [= GLP-1 receptor agonist], FDA-approved) when in the presence of high glucose levels.

It is, imho, a really interesting approach to a low-tech closed-loop system for T2s. I am not sure about the drugs and how well they would work for humans (maybe not at all), but the technical approach for the delivery itself is promising in my eyes.

The study is not an easy read. This vulgarized summary on is not very detailed but gets the essentials right:

As a note, my description of how a GLP-1 receptor agonist works is greatly simplified and would need a focused post to be fully accurate. Here is a good intro of them on WebMD:

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This can also have implications for T1’s.

GLP-1 inhibitors are increasingly being used off label for T-1 diabetics.

The last time I saw my endo we briefly discussed this, as he thought I would get more benefit and less risk from a GLP-1 inhibitor than the current SGLT-2 inhibitor that I’m taking. He did say that he had several T-1 patients already on this regimen. He said we would address this further at our next meeting.

Obviously, the use in T-1’s is not to stimulate insulin production in the pancreas, but to limit glucagon production in the pancreas.

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Coincidentally, I just read this very interesting study in Nature about GLP-1 receptor agonists that appear to reverse Alzheimer’s symptoms in mice:

There are popping up everywhere!

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