Fiasp MDI

As recommended by Dr. Bernstein! I did look in his book for help, but since I :blue_heart: carbs, his advice wasn’t helpful for me!

Thanks for your reply. I do find it faster than Novolog, which I wasn’t sure about until I went back on it (then back to Fiasp) and realized it is definitely quicker. I haven’t used Fiasp in a pump - I’ve been MDI for awhile after pumping for 18+years. Don’t know anything about Novorapid.

Do you have a recommendation of how to introduce R with Fiasp? When I’m awake I make small corrections add my numbers climb, but I don’t do this while asleep (used to bolus with my pump in my sleep though). If I can figure out how much R to take in addition to Fiasp that would be great. Seeing my endo in 3 weeks though, so she might (but probably won’t) help.

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NovoRapid is Novolog, it’s just what it’s called in Canada (where I live) and Europe for whatever reason. It’s trial and error but I will usually take about 1.5-2 units of R at the same time I take Novolog if I am eating anything with significant protein and/or fat. Sometimes I will take an additional 1-2 units right before I go to sleep if I see on Dexcom that my BG is rising and based on what I’ve eaten (a mix of intuition and experience) I think I’m going to spike. I don’t always get it perfect and it can cause sustained lows, but I don’t find it any more dangerous than when I’ve taken too much Novolog if I get it wrong. I tend to use it in situations where I would’ve used a square or dual wave bolus on my pump. I find it less potent though, so where I may have extended 0.5 units over a few hours on my pump I might have to take 1-1.5 u of R to get the same effect. I would just experiment during the day to see how it affects you and then try it at night (using CGM alarms if you’re able to of course).

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Sure, I’ll do that soon!

Yeah I think that’s why it has such a bad reputation. I think the problem is not only how slow it works, but because of its extended duration compared to rapid analogues it has a very flat curve that doesn’t match the profile of how carbs digest. Thus, you have to take a lot more of it up front to cover carbs, causing too much insulin to be in your system once the carbs have digested and potentially serious hypos.

Awesome, thanks for your help! I’ll try this week on vacation.