Expired Dexcom sensors work fine!

I believe they are the same. The G4 ones that I have left are also compatible with G5 even back in 2016.

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@Peg I personally donā€™t know when the sensors become ineffective - I am not scientific enough to break it down. I have however used sensors that were 1-2 years past shelf life with no problems in the past.

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@Peg, if no one is able to test some of your sensors, we will find a way to get a few of your old ones here (we have friends visiting every few weeks from the US). Hopefully a US resident can do it though.

I am guessing most if not all of your sensors are still good. It will be interesting to see if they are noisier or donā€™t last as long though.

Iā€™m always open to being a test rat :rat:


I have some that expired 2/27/16. My daughter hated them so I didnā€™t force her to use them but couldnā€™t get myself to toss them I would love to know of they still work if anyone would be interested I could send them out. They are Medtronic enlite.


A post was split to a new message: Expired sensors

I was browsing this forum because i have a 2021 dexcom g5 sensor that i was wondering if it was safe to use for a day (or longer if it works) while I wait for Walgreens to open up tomorrow. I didnā€™t realize I was out & my pharmacy closed for the day.
I guess since Iā€™m not seeing an answer of one that old, Iā€™ll let you all know if it works or not.


What do you have to lose? :). I would fire it right up and get as much life as i could.


Thanks for the encouragement.
I just started it. I had to add a new transmitter as I was doing this. The sensor placed perfectly on me. Hopefully it wonā€™t keep me up all night. Iā€™ll let everyone know how it goes.


I forgot to write back but the 10 days with the 3 year old sensor & the brand new transmitter worked fantastic.