I’ve used expired sensors with no problem. How soon is your transmitter set to expire? I’ve seen a similar failure with a transmitter that was about to go bad.
Put on a new sensor and it did same exact thing. Tried starting it with the receiver instead and the receiver said that the transmitter battery was too weak to pair (had about a week left on transmitter I thought, but too late to check now). When I tried to start it with the phone it warned me that transmitter would expire in one week and this would be its last session
Yeah Eric’s suspicion was right— it was an “almost dead” transmitter that caused the problem, when I tried to start with the receiver instead of the phone it said that and a new transmitter seems to be working now
We’ve had a few just go bad on startup but usually after the first failure it just tells you to replace. Incidentally we have had a run of bad sensors lately, which go bad after just a few days and are really jittery soon after insertion, and even a few that simply didn’t work from the get-go. Anyone else experiencing this? One possibility I’m worried about is that maybe Samson has developed scar tissue on his arms where his sensors are placed, but I haven’t heard of scar tissue being a big issue with Dexcom sensors.
@TiaG, we have had exactly the same problem for the past 6 weeks. I am not quite sure what to make of it. I have been having my son drink more to see if it is a hydration issue.