Exercise Study at UNC if anyone is interested

UNC Research Study Assessing Type 1 Diabetes and Exercise Looking for Participants

Study 1, Research study: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) is conducting a remote research study i n the U.S. to develop HEDRA, an app that will help people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) exercise more safely.

You may be eligible to participate if you have type 1 diabetes and use Nightscout to connect your CGM and insulin pump. You will receive compensation for your time.

Study 2, Focus group: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) is conducting a remote focus group in the U.S. to help develop HEDRA, an app that will help people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) exercise more safely.

You may be eligible to participate if you have type 1 diabetes and use or have used a CGM and insulin pump. You will receive compensation for your time.

To learn more, please take a look at the details below and private message me if you are interested in participating in one or both studies! Thank you!


I might do this if I can pretend to not be a diabetic.

No, but seriously, I will check it out. Sounds like fun.


I thought you had already proven that you could pretend to not be a diabetic! And, you passed if Iā€™m not mistaken! :sweat_smile:

Am I remembering incorrectly?


You recall it correctly!

It was so much fun I thought I could try it again!



Yes, do it again! We all had a lot of fun too! :rofl:


I got signed up for this and am participating in this now.

Will share details as they happen. :+1:


Awesome for the study or the focus group?

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I just did the focus group call today. It was about 2 hours of discussion, with us giving input about the app.

I am doing the exercise study in the coming weeks.

So, I guess both. :grinning: