Where on earth did you find that eraser container? I haven’t seen one in years. I used to keep little containers like that around. They are insanely useful in a pinch.
Hi @macjoel, welcome to FUD!
I first saw them at Office Depot and then found them on Amazon.
They are still available on Amazon, here is a link:
It is only the Dexcom adhesive on the G6s. The overpatch has 0 side effects but the Dexcom G6 adhesive causes huge welts and itchiness. Have also used other protective sticky elements that really help too.
It’s interesting! The Dexcom causes me no problems, but the Omnipod irritates me. But only on the back side, not on the front side.
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Use an Omnipod Dash too but it causes no problems for my skin. That’s the thing, we’re all different and have differing reactions to different adhesives! Must drive all the pharmaceutical companies crazy!!!
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