Does Lilly diluent work with Humulin N?

He’s adorable! Thanks for sharing the picture!


Nora, (humor mode on) my wife and I normally refer to dogs this size as “snack dogs”, but can tell by looking at this one he’d be cute curled up on your side or in you lap! Hope he has long and happy life with you! Have you taught him any tricks yet?


Please forgive my late response. Had some challenging times with the pooch’s health.
Happy to share about diluting.
I tested it for 2 weeks when we had a freestyle libre attached. And just now for another 2 weeks.
The bottom line – it works. AND I can’t say for sure whether it loses potency at some point. Too many variables.
It worked well enough for me to prefer using diluted insulin even when I don’t have sugar measurements.
I’ve been making a new batch once a week. And I injected a couple of times from dilutions that were older than a week. Also worked.
I tried different percentages of dilution. Did 50 and 60% for a while. Currently on 75% insulin.
It’s the minimal dilution that allows me to be precise with amounts between 0.5 and 1 unit insulin. (I prefer not to raise the volume of fluid injected any more than necessary.)
If he doesn’t eat and I want to inject less than half a unit I make a dilution of 33% insulin.

It definitely solved the problem of accuracy in tiny doses.


Hi @TomH I’m not sure he’d make a great snack… lean meat. Maybe a diabetic snack :wink:

Despite appearances Hakuna is very old. And in contrast to the saying about old dogs and new tricks he has recently learned to come to the kitchen and bark at me if I take too long with the injection after he eats. It may have something to do with the treat he gets after the injection :wink:…and I’m so delighted when he does it. We’ve come a long way from when we started injections.
He’s also recently learned to pee in the bath. Given that he’s diabetic and we live on the 4th floor this has dramatically reduced the number of trips we take downstairs.
Thanks for asking!


Great to hear that things are working, and getting easier for both of you. Really lovely outcome!


That’s really amazing work you are doing! It’s like you are now one of the top 100 diabetician’s in the world! Well done! Your dog is luck to have you. :heart:


:blush: Thank you @Eric. I do hope the top diabeticians know a whole lot more than me.

I hope so. I know for sure the other way around is true. I’m incredibly lucky to have him. What an amazing teacher of innocence and love.


Thanks for your support @Chris.
It’s very helpful and comforting to be able to share and get support in this lovely community.