DN’s Running and Other Mishaps Thread

Bilbo Baggins is heading your way @Nickyghaleb… Be forewarned…

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And you said it wasn’t going to be anything that cool…Do you have any idea how I’ve been carrying my extra strips?? :rofl::rofl:

That’s awesome. Thank you. :heart:


And how do you figure this stuff out?! Because you don’t discover this kind of thing by accident… Like you were accidentally putting the wrong ring on your spibelt one day…

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“Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.”

- Michelangelo


Clearly, you only really needed the one ring. image One Ring - Wikipedia

Dang it @elver you beat me to it. :rofl:


Sorry to steal your thunder @TravelingOn. I couldn’t resist though :rofl:

Oops - my inner Hobbit nerd is showing. :crazy_face:


Okay. Got it on, but which way does this puppy face?? Out? Up? Down? Probably not down?

And guess whose spibelt is upside down? :grin:

I wear it with the strips facing up. Like in my picture.

But keep posting pics of your butt and we don’t need to be in a hurry to settle this issue.


I was wondering what goes on in this thread of more than 1k comments and its THIS sorcery that yall are pulling ?!?!




Did my run. It was like a funny run day but mostly without the laughter. Dropped test strips, thunderstorms, meter to the face… it’s actually not really causing laughter now either. Pretty irritating stuff. But it’s done, and tomorrow is my big 11 day (which I would be nervous about had I not done 11 on Monday and know I can do again).

Anyway. Today. Kids are over at the house making my life a mess, so there was no coordinated ZB before my run. There was an accidental one for 45 minutes probably an hour and a half before heading out, but all that did was complicate things a little. Had a coffee at that time— for the low— and ended up spiking before I was ready to go. So I left the house at a 174 and walked the half mile to the path start. 153 at the corner. Rain was in the forecast, but, temporarily forgetting “luck” is not typically on my side, I decided to try it. Made it a half mile before the skies opened up and dumped water on my head. Ran home. Checked on the kids. Jumped on the treadmill. Crazy stuff happened on that treadmill, but between events, I did manage to get my run done.

Second starting BG: 82
Mi 1: 44!! Did not feel that AT ALL
Mi 1.4 (because started to get nervous even though I felt fine) 68 ??
Mi 1:6: test strip explosion
Mi 2: 58
Mi 2.3: —
*Gatorade Prime (nervous still)
Mi 2.5: —
*.1 unit (now nervous about the Gatorade)
Mi 2.9: runaway meter TO THE FACE
Mi 3: 68
Mi 4: 91
*.6 unit
*resume basal
Mi 5: 73 (finish)
Half mile walk and some at 82

RPE (relative perception of excitement and intrigue)
Regular RPE 5.


:rofl::rofl: @LarissaW. It’s not usually this exciting. It’s usually just Eric talking and talking and talking…




I’ll have to tell my mom. I had her model it for me. :rofl::rofl:


Heck yeah, let’s get her on the site.



She makes a mean egg salad sandwich, too. She’ll be in here telling everyONE how to handle their business.


So the sandwich part is different than you.

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It just took her into her more mature years to get there… and it’s still never for a man. I make sandwiches for my kids all day. I don’t boycott all sandwich-making. These guys are still small, impressionable men. They get sandwiches with a side of lectures.

Imma go get my mom right now. Let you hear it from the source.


I have a bunch of questions about your running post.

First of all, when it rains, you are pretty much screwed as far as testing. Even if you manage to keep your strips and meter dry, as soon as you take out your meter and strips to do the test, all bets are off.

I have some meter and strip gear stuff for light rain, but if it pours it’s over.

So don’t worry about that. It’s just how it is.


How are you getting a meter to the face?

How are you dropping your strips? That was the entire reason for you to buy the rings!

And, how did you get 11 miles on Monday?!?!

5 minutes uphill, and return to the starting point, do that 7 times.

You would have to run at a speed of 9.5 mph uphill to be able to get 11 miles out of this workout.



I did an 11 mile dance Monday… I can’t believe you didn’t know that. :woman_facepalming: I had to run a mile and a half to get to the hill… and then I ran a half mile to get back. That’s 2 miles. Okay… and then… I don’t know. I ran 5 minutes up a hill and slowly back down 7 times. If I did 9 miles like that, then what? What would that mean for speed?

This is what I have from Monday:

(This was as I finished the last hill)

Okay, and I can’t get the last image to come in. It’s got the rest of the miles. But I can still show this… just so you don’t think I’m lying. :grimacing:

Okay, that’s explanation one. How are we doing on that?

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Explanation 2:

I had my meter bracelet on, and I was doing a very aggressive hand clap to a song I really liked, and I had to swing my arms down in between claps— to conserve energy— and when I swung my arms back up to clap again, the meter flew off my wrist and bounced off the treadmill and back into my face. True story. I didn’t get hurt. If I had, I never ever would’ve told the truth about how.

Explanation 3:

Since I was on the treadmill anyway, I decided to just use test strips from my canister rather than from my bracelet— to avoid having to refill my bracelet tomorrow. When I opened the canister, it popped open, and there was an explosion of test strips all over the place. This actually happened recently with my ReliOn test strips. I’ll have to reconsider my priorities next time. :grin: