DN’s Running and Other Mishaps Thread

Alright, big week coming up for you. Before I post your running for the week, a few very important things to go over.

  1. Get everything together that you will need. Don’t wait until Saturday night. Make your list, gather it all together.

  2. Make sure you have run a few times with what you will use. Clothes and all. If you are carrying your pump in a SPIBelt, make sure you have tried it out.

  3. Get your sleep this week.

  4. You will want to have your meter bracelet so you can check many times while you are waiting for the race to start. Don’t test while racing, you will be going too fast. But test every few minutes while you are lined up and waiting for the start.

  5. The only thing you need while running is nothing. But you will need your pump a few minutes before. So if you can hand it off to someone, that’s fine. If not, plan on carrying it. You will not have enough time to use it, and put it in your car. If someone will be there with you, hand it off. If not, have a pocket or SPIBelt to put it in.

  6. Have one syringe pre-loaded for before the race. I will go over that with you. It will be easier to use a syringe.

  7. Weather looks like a short sleeve shirt under a long sleeve shirt, and shorts, hat, and gloves. That’s what you should run in. You will be cold for one minute, and then you won’t feel it. You want the engine kept cool. Do not over-dress. Get a cheap hat you can discard midway if you are feeling warm.

  8. Get a cheap zippered parka you can discard at the start. You can get them for a few bucks at Walmart. Buy one with the plan to toss it and lose it. Zippered will make it easier.

  9. Get your sleep this week. I know I said it already. I am saying it again. Get your sleep. Particularly on Thursday and Friday night.

  10. Eat smart this week. Eat well, but don’t over-stuff. Eat light on Saturday.

  11. You need a sugar drink in a bottle with a top. You need to know what one ounce is when you take a sip. Practice it with water this week. Practice so you know exactly how to sip one ounce. Read this post.

  12. And you need an easy-to-eat 20-25 gram rapid carb source that won’t be nasty. I recommend Huma gels. But you already know that.

  13. The runs this week need to be followed. Do not cannibalize your race because you do not like a fraction of a mile or something. 30 minutes means 30 minutes, not 35 or 40. Quarter-mile repeats are not half-mile repeats.

  14. Drink plenty of water on Friday and Saturday. Not much Sunday morning.

  15. I will give you a plan for race fueling and insulin dosing later this week.

  16. Get your sleep.

  17. Turn off the automated monkey-business with basal on your pump as soon as you wake up. Leave your basal on all morning before the race. Don’t let it suspend. If you are low, sip some sugar beverage. Do not screw with basal that morning.

We are going to put the diabetes away for 20 minutes or so. It won’t be a problem. But just get to the starting line flat and in range, that’s all you have to do. If you do that, there will not be any diabetes for 3.1 miles, I promise. It will not be a factor.
