DN’s Running and Other Mishaps Thread

I did 2 cadence checks. There were both 180 on the dot. I did it a couple of minutes after warmup.

I’m slammed today, so I’m going to make this as fast as possible… to your great relief. :smiley:

I had an Advil this morning. I’ll just put that out there. I also had to extend the warm up to a mile because of… stiffness. At a mile though, I was pretty much ready to go. Did 2 miles at 8:34 at RPE of 6-7. Felt pretty good. My endurance is definitely stronger than my hips, but my hips hung in there. Mile cool down. Started at a BG of 163 and ended at 86.

How’d I do?

Also, I really couldn’t do the core exercises last week for a couple of reasons. Now I’m just procrastinating. Should I start them back up?