Diabetics can do anything?

In my mind, it was more a baller like this
image https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR4ifrYla2bWrlW3A9jwEzF8cf60nsmoYLMPq3KgCu-ZETrmLe2

Or like this


But in reality, yes. That’s probably closer. :grin:


I knew we were. I just didn’t want to scare you with it. :grin: We’re BFF… ballers forevah. :v:


Very interesting. Your high school gym class looked very different than mine. Mine had walls lined with girls, sitting and chatting. There were a handful of boys playing some basketball. A kid off by himself somewhere sleeping. Maybe a boyfriend and girlfriend walking the perimeter of the court. There was a teacher. I’m SURE of it. But I don’t remember who mine was… even if it was a male or female. There certainly wasn’t any teaching at all going on. I used to play basketball, mostly by myself, and get all sweaty. The girls thought it was gross, but I thought they were gross, so it worked out fine. :grin: I’m not sure when it became such a drag having to go to PE… in middle school I remember kids being a lot more into it, but I always felt like it was a great introduction to what physical activity would become for many of them for the rest of their lives… an item under the “I should” label. Or “I have to”. We really had different experiences. I remember wishing that the teacher could make it more fun for everyone else. Everyone looked so tortured. I, in my early hermit ways, was thrilled to have a ball and basket to myself. :grin:

My pleasure. I hope your next adventure is as much “feels good” as you need to make you want to do it again sometime. That’s what it’s for.

And thank you for the opportunity to get preachy. It’s been too long. :grin:

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It sounds like you’re actually getting the best of what living a physical life has to offer. My dad taught me a long time ago that to try to be better than others was an exercise in futility. Too many unknown factors. To compete with yourself, however, was something worth doing. I’ve found, as I, myself, have gotten older, that I somehow just can’t lose in doing so.

Of course, my favorite thing to do in the world was to kick his butt in basketball. So easy. Like taking candy from a baby. :grin:

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Which is basically why I dropped out of high school gym and team sports as much as I could and sunk my energy into things I could do (and measure) on my own: cross-country running, canoeing, jumping horses. Things where I was free to shame myself, if need be.


That’s what I’m talking about…

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