Dexcom G7 - Failed Sensors

@funk I’m at a loss to explain the G7 sensor unavailability at a military pharmacy, whether here in VA or WA, should be the same formulary. I’m covered by Medicare/TFL, like you, and it should be the same coverage. If you go to the Tricare formulary (Open Enrollment - Pharmacy Benefit Plans) it used to come up as available, with the same cost structures as today. I just did it as a test and it came up as:
Military (MTF) Covered with limitations.
Uniform Formulary (UF)
Prior authorization ¶ required
Quantity limitations

The “Covered with limitations” is a link so click on it and it says:
Your plan provides coverage for this medication in certain situations. To determine if coverage is available, your doctor may request a coverage review by calling the toll-free number, 1-866-684-4488.

This medication is covered for a maximum of 3 sensors per 30 days at retail or if available up to 9 sensors per 90 days at Home Delivery or MTF.

To receive coverage, this drug must be approved through a coverage review . Your prescriber must request the review using either: 1) an electronic PA system or 2) a Prior Authorization form (PDF). Without this, you may pay full price for the drug at retail and it will not be covered at home delivery and/or the military pharmacy. Contact your prescriber to help you with this.

I’ve obtained by G6’s since diagnosis at DOD pharmacies, switched to G7s about 9 months ago with no problem. Prior Auth was not required when I started that I know of, never saw it on the link before now; the “quantity limitations” may be due to other than T1/2’s trying to get them and DOD was trying to restrict them (conjecture on my part). The PA can be taken care of by your PCP/Endo. Also, my understanding (see Is Dexcom CGM covered by Medicare? | Dexcom | Dexcom) Medicare covers G7 as well, so with both Medicare and Tricare coverage, the cost to DOD/TFL should be minimal. I recommend discussing with both your PCP/Endo and the pharmacist (not the clerk that may disburse scripts) at your military pharmacy.

Thank you! Yes, Dexcom is always great about replacing sensors. And thank you for the heads up on your incomplete shipment. I use Edgepark and received a full shipment about a week ago, but It’s good to be aware of shortages. Enjoy your week!

Advanced Diabetes Supply shipped me only three G7’s today, citing the shortage.

All these G7 shortages make me glad (once again) that I have not yet switched from G6 and also fearful of the inevitable day when I have to move over to the dreaded G7. Can I hold them off until Dexcom releases the G8?

eta: I have a theory that the best version of the product is the one after the new platform. Certainly the G7 was a new platform so maybe the G8 will be a winner.

Maybe it would be good if someone could split the G7 short issue to a separate post.

My original post was me bitching about G7 and failed sensors.

As far as an update once I started using sensors from a new prescription refill, the reliability got much better.

Hopefully those issues have resolved by Dexcom.

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