Warm thoughts sent to Liam, and wishes for a speedy solution…
Keeping him in our thoughts. Hoping it is easily treatable and soon!
Added a couple pics of his eyes right now. So, we returned from the ER last evening. Turns out it’s “Pariorbital cellulitis” and not it’s evil cousin, Orbital cellulitis. The difference is pariorbital is bacterial infection on the OUTSIDE of the eye and eyelids while Orbital cellulitis is INSIDE the eye. The problem is that Pariorbital can BECOME orbital cellulitis if it’s not treated properly and/or quickly enough. The Dr. agreed that the antibiotics/eye drops Liam is on aren’t working. He questioned why Liam’s Dr. would have prescribed an eye drop that did NOT have sulfa in it since he indicated that’s an important ingredient that helps kill this bacterial infection. So the new eye drops do have sulfa (sulfacetamide sodium ophthalmic) and the antibiotics are being changed to Cephalexin
Today we’re on new medication and we’re hoping to see things turn around. Eyes are becoming more blood shot now.
Wow, what a frustrating process. Glad you got a change in treatment. Hoping it works quickly and permanently.
Glad they are improving!!!
I’m not sure you will ever be able to pinpoint the cause. Eye infections are usually highly contagious and sometimes it’s as simple as touching something like a door handle and then rubbing your eyes and you get an infection. And kids are kids.
Usually bacterial infections are specific to animals and while people get some of them, if they do, they usually aren’t as bad. So I’m not sure that your cat is the problem but can’t be completely ruled out either. But if it’s your cat I would think it would show signs of an eye infection.
@ClaudnDaye, how is he doing now?
So, about 5 days ago, Liam was complaining about a tooth hurting. He hadn’t gone to a dentist since before Covid (so March of 2020)…and even then, it was tough getting a dentist into his mouth for the couple cavities he had so they weren’t taken care of before Covid. When I looked I was shocked to see what appeared to be 2 teeth broken in, what looks like, half. I know that eye/socket infections can stem from mouth/gum infections so that made me very worried. Because we are new in town, we hadn’t set up dentists yet and he was only recently fully vaccinated. So, I set out to find a local dentist that would see him on an urgent basis. They were all “not accepting new patients” but I convinced one empathetic office to see him on an exception basis because I fear this is what’s causing his eye infection and without the underlying issue(s) being addressed, the eye infection(s) may continue or get worse.
They looked and to my shock, they said he has FIVE baby teeth that need extracted and that, yes, he does have mouth/gum infection going on and although she couldn’t be positive that’s the cause of his eye issues, she said it’s certainly not helping. The plan is to have those 5 teeth extracted TOMORROW…the only problem is that SW VA is calling for 4 - 6 inches (or more) of SNOW from 10PM tonight until the early hours tomorrow. Haven’t had a single snowflake all year and tomorrow has to be the day we get dumped on.
So, we are still planning on going…just leaving extra early to get there. My family who live down in this area say the VDOT are really good about keep the roads plowed down in these parts, so we’re going to head out very early and just drive slowly…I wouldn’t normally brave the snow - especially with one of my kids in the car - but I feel thse are exceptional times that necessitate us doing it.
Hopefully once his teeth issues/infections are cleared up, these issues will be far behind us…and I’m learning that the once per day that he brushes his teeth (before bed) just isn’t enough, so post-dental work, I’ll be implementing a new oral hygiene program with him…minimum twice per day brushing (after getting up and at bedtime) + 1 floss per day (at bedtime).
The good news is that the Cephelexin and eye drop (sulfa based) have really knocked out the eye infection…the blood shot is all gone, no more redness in the eyes. Today was his last “eye drop” day and he has another 3 days on the oral antibiotics.
He’s not acting like he’s at all worried about the dental work this time around…instead of focusing on the tooth work, he’s focuses on this needing to be done so that he doesn’t have anymore mouth/eye infections.
Wish us luck tomorrow with the driving and the dental work.
I am so glad the eye drops resolved the redness and that you found a potential cause for it. No fun to get a bunch of teeth extracted but it’s obviously super necessary. Poor Liam, he must have been so uncomfortable
Hope the snow proves to be a nonissue! Keep us posted.
Hoping for no snow!
Please keep us up-to-date.
Dental office just called and cancelled in anticipation of the snow. They said they will be closed. They are going to get us in as soon as the roads open and they are open again. Will keep you posted.
Oh, no, well roads should get cleared and hoping Liam’s goes well!!
@ClaudnDaye, how is my little bro doing?
Did you get rescheduled?
Yes, next Monday was the earliest they could do. Eye drops and antibiotics are done so we have a few days to wait. So far, though (knocking on wood), his eyes are looking OK! I’m hoping it stays that way.
Yes, fingers crossed! And let’s hope that getting rid of all those teeth will help prevent this type of situation in the future.
His oral antibiotics were finished on Wednesday and his eye drops were done Monday. His eyes were good until YESTERDAY and he started complaining again about his eyes being watery, blurry and stinging some. His eyes still looked good through yesterday evening and then I started seeing some redness resurfacing on his left eye as well as some watering. He was taken again to the Pediatrician this morning and was put back on the eye drops. The eye drops + the dentist appointment on Monday I’m hoping will put this behind us. If not, the next step after the eye drop regiment is to take him to see an ophthalmologist.
His dental work was completed this morning NO PROBLEMS! He now has 4 less baby teeth (was 5, but they decided 1 was salvagable). I may be crazy, but he’s already saying he feels better, his eyes are looking less red and he hasn’t had to wipe/clean his eyes all day. Crossing fingers that this helps clear up his eye issues!
Well…it’s so frustrating. Erin took Liam to the ophthalmologist and they found NO INFECTION; rather, she said she’s seeing signs of an allergic reaction of some sort based on the crinkling/pattern on his eye lids under the microscope. She’s prescribing a different drop for allergies and a different antibiotic drop that he’ll need to move too for the next 4 days.
Liam hates the eye drops so now we have 2 different drops we have to do multiple times per day so I’m sure he’s excited about that. Hopefully we get this resolved soon. Hate seeing him go through this.
I’m super glad there is no infection remaining…but that doesn’t help Liam’s current position of having very red/watery eyes with eye discarge build-up.
Here’s hoping Liam catches a break, the latest drops work, and all goes back to normal soon. I can’t blame him, I’ve always disliked eye drops, no particular reason other than than the bother of not knowing whether I’ve gotten the intended dose or not…Best wishes to Liam!
Still very concerned as we aren’t getting any answers. Three visits to a pediatrician, two visits to an opthalmologist and a dentist visit.
According to those professionals he’s fine, but he isn’t. Repeated eye drops prescribed as well as oral antibiotics but his eyes continue being red and now the redness seems to be spreading down into his cheek area. I’m so confused as to what’s going on and it’s so frustrating to not be getting answers.
This is him sleeping peacefully now but look at his eyes and cheek area. Any suggestions, ideas, etc. are welcome.
oh no! This seems like it needs to be addressed. Poor little guy I hope they figure it out soon.