Being Unlimited while sleep deprived

I usually do not let anything hold me back. But I have to admit, sometimes I get so exhausted managing chronic health problems. I mean, literally. It seriously interferes with my sleep sometimes.

Last night my blood sugar decided to drop low for six to seven hours straight. My Dexcom alarmed every 30 minutes for the entire night. I got up about as often to eat some glucose tablets. Eventually I decided to just suspend my pump for two hours and, once I saw that I was rising, shut my CGM off.

On top of that, I was hot before going to bed so opened my window. Even though I have an air purifier running right next to my bed and antihistamine in my system, the open window (my allergies are telling me it’s start of pollen season here) was enough to make my allergies really bad. So my eyes felt extremely irritated and watered profusely for hours and I couldn’t breathe well until I eventually got up and closed the window.

Finally, I slept at 5:30 AM.

But when I finally slept, I had an unpleasant dream about getting cancer and dying. So that wasn’t all that restful… :expressionless:

I was supposed to get up at 6:00 AM. Instead, I slept until 7:30 AM and got a cab to work.

I sometimes feel like I’m literally moving through the day in a fog, and I think a lot of it is because of stuff like this…

Anyone have any tips or strategies they use for not being so sleep-deprived?!