BD syringes seem to have gone downhill

How did that fit in the baggie?

It must have been immediately obvious that the whole bag was bad, or if in a box, well, how?

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The rest of the bag was okay. And so far, the rest of the box seems okay too.
(They come in 10 syringes per bag, and 10 bags per box.)

I am taking a close look at them as I use them.


Yep, they have to make them, pack them and ship them never with human involvement. So I guess that one would just about fit in the baggie; it’s got a little spare space end-to-end so the diagonal will accommodate it.

Why do we keep complaining about these things? What, on earth, is the point? It’s a manufacturing defect but if we actually had customer service they would happily have sent a whole new box.

What is the purpose of all our complaints when they have so little effect?

It is more than just a complaint, it’s sharing information.

Take a closer look at your syringes, FUDers!

Part of the reason we are here is to share things we have noticed.


When I give myself a correction with an injection (while on Tandem - not cqi) I then disconnect from my pump & run that amt through the pump so it knows I received that insulin. Then I reconnect.


Seems Affrezza is dispensed in various quantities (units - 3 different unit amounts that I’ve heard of). How does one decide which ones to have the doctor order? And how many of each?
Thank you!


For my use (only corrections so far and usually in the evening) I asked the endo to prescribe 4 units Affrezza as a post meal correction bolus three times daily. The paperwork says 4 units powder is equivalent to 2.5 units injected insulin. The available capsules are 4, 8, 12 units powder.

In hindsight I probably should have asked my endo to prescribe both the 8 unit capsules and the 4 unit, which probably would fit my doses a little better. If I am over bg 200 and steady I take 2 (4 unit) capsules, if over 200 and climbing I take 3 (4 unit) capsules.


I’m not sure of the dosing method, but have listened to the TCOYD duo of Edelman and Pettus [name edited] about their use of it, (strong advocates). I suspect they have a video or article available on their use. Unfortunately, I can’t access it as yet as its not on DOD’s formulary so not available yet through their pharmacy benefit.

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Thank you, John!!


Thank you, Tom!! Yes, watching a recent video of theirs got me trying to look for more info to present to my endo…. And I need to recheck my insurance formulary too!! I’ll look for what articles they may have!!
Thank you!

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Do you intend to use Afrezza for regular meal boluses, or just for big corrections? In my case I wanted Afrezza to replace the “rage bolus” that I would take if I find my BG zooming up to the 200s, which happens either in case of poor absorption at the meal bolus infusion site, or if I severely underestimated the carb content of what I ate. In either case, I generally would take an 8u correction by syringe, so for the Afrezza I’d use the 12u cartridge. The result looks like this:

That’s a quick safe correction: after about an hour and 15 minutes it’s all done, unlike a sub-Q insulin bolus that continues lowering my BG for 5 or 6 hours.

I can’t take more than 1 Afrezza cartridge per day, because I find inhaling the dust to be irritating. The first one is ok, but it feels like I inhaled some dust. If I try a second one I’ll cough it out immediately after inhaling, and with a third it doesn’t even make it into my lungs, I cough it out as soon as it starts to reach my windpipe. I hear that many people acclimate to the inhalation with no issue, but I never did.


Good points… I try to eat very low carb but if I don’t it can take several days to get my
bg down again. Or sometimes it hangs higher than desired for no obvious reason.
I sure like that bg drop!!!
Thanks for letting me know A may possibly irritate the airways. And thanks for your example for planning a dose amount!!

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I am with you! I have occasionally had to call the company after discovering that by “guaranteed sterile fluid path” they must mean that if the orange needle caps are sterile, then IF whatever machine they use to cap them doesn’t quite get it aimed correctly, a chunk of orange plastic in the needle point might be a concern!


I’ve never had a problem with the BD syringes but maybe that’s because my eyesight is not so great…hopefully I have not injected too much orange plastic over the years! I was just shopping for BD 30 unit syringes on A-zon and they seem to be unavailable? They have another brand:
“EasyTouch U-100 Insulin Syringe with Needle, 31G 0.3cc 5/16-Inch (8mm)”. I will be ordering these.

Curious if anybody has tried this EasyTouch brand and if so, any known problems? EasyTouch U-100 Insulin Syringe with Needle, 31G 0.3cc 5/16-Inch (8mm), Box of 100 : Health & Household

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I have tried many other brands. I don’t recall if I tried the one you linked.

Most of them seem useable. Nothing great, but they can do the job.

I also noticed the BD were not available on Amazon! Not sure why!

I can send you some BD syringes that are the same gauge and volume (3/10CC) as you linked. I have tons.

PM me your address.


@funk you may need to set a different I:C ratio or a stronger correction factor for dinner if you consistently have highs. Personally on the x2 I currently have 6 different time zones where either the Basal, correction factor, I:C ratio or some combo thereof is different than the previous


I have tweaked all of these settings a few times already - I only make one change at a time tho’ so I can understand what is working or not. But one thing I hadn’t tried is setting up different time zones. I will definitely try this as dinner time is clearly a challenge for me. Thanks for tip!!

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So is doing that with the Omnipod equivalent to disconnecting the mobi pump, then bolusing with a syringe and then re-connecting the pump?

I believe the latter is what my diabetes educator suggested when I told her I bolused with a syringe whilst actively connected to the Mobi pump. BTW I monitored things very carefully when I did that (tested blood too) and did not see any real problem. Blood readings were pretty consistent with pump and CGM readings.

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@funk Here’s an example of an old profile I used to run post-surgery.

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Looking at all those settings just does my head in!!! It sounds as if that may have been a temporary thing for you post-surgery. How long did it take to figure out what each one of those settings needed to be?

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