Time For Some Bragging

I was a little nervous to get my most recent HBA1C check, due to the switch over to pumping and the fact that I was encouraged to take in more carbs.

I got my a1c results this morning and…

It’s 5.8!!!

I’m so elated, and I just wanted to share the good news will all of you diabadasses. Also, thank you all for your help and support. I really couldn’t have done this without you. :heart_decoration:


Well done!
When I got my Tandem X2 pump I moved into the 5’s as well. I got CGM at the same time. What a huge difference this combo makes for control, and general quality of life!

Keep up the good work!


Couldn’t agree more! Thanks so much, I shall do my best! Really enjoying my Omnipod Dex combo. Excited to see how much more my a1c may improve, since the 5.8 had a huge chunk of my Pump Learning Curve in it.


Woot woot! Way to go! <3


Congrats! That’s really great!



When I got my pump and CGM it really helped too.


WELL DONE @Necroplasm ! WELL DONE!!!


That is really awesome @Necroplasm, enjoy it you earned it. But know we are happy for you even when your A1c isn’t perfect.


Major kudos!!!


A 5.8, wowweee! I refuse to use a pump again after suffering with it for years and years. I just hate being so dependent on technology which drove me crazy with all the expensive added requirements I needed to get then find out I had to toss everything because they changed some configuration. Just no, no, no thank you.

My A1C was recently 6.5, which I thought was pretty good, but clearly could be much lower. Today I’m dealing with the Libre 2 system, which KEEPS sending me Low-glucose warnings when I’m at 68 and just ate, and I’m ready to turn that off too. UGH! I hate this technology.

Here’s a question for non-pump users: does your control work better when you have a split injection. That is, does a dose of 8 units, split into two sites as 4 on one side leg and 4 on another spot work better? It does much, much better for me, which is yet another reason why I’m thinking a pump would be far control than if I had it. Anyone do that here?


Congrats on the awe inspiring A1C, that is fantastic! As far as split injections, when my son rage boluses he often splits the dose to good effect. He uses a pump so anytime he needs more than 5 units he injects the above 5 unit amount then doses the rest with his pump. What is so humbling being around here for awhile, is how many people achieve the same great outcome using different tools that resonate with them. So I am happy for you, and am so thankful that diabetics today have so many options to create a treatment plan that works for them.


My last a1c was 6.5 before this one, and I honestly think the difference in numbers is hugely determined by the fact that I switched from MDI to pump. That’s not to say there weren’t challenges for me either. I can not, absolutely can not, use my abdomen for pods - it’s like I don’t have one on. It’s crazy. I am learning how to rotate sites a little better on my arms, because I have a lot of pods lately delivering my basal but lagging or completely losing my bolus altogether.

Pumps can be frustrating, but I enjoy this frustration better than MDI. My Lantus was giving me late night lows, even though I brought my dosage down to where it should be, my fast-acting insulin didn’t always deliver and I was noticing lipohypertrophy forming in certain areas around my naval. I also have very active work days, and was finding more often than not I’d be bolusing in my car outside of dunkin (lol I laugh about it now, but looking back and forth through the windows to make sure no one was looking was uncomfortable to say the least).

YDMV, we say that here all the time. Your Diabetes May Vary. What works for me, may not be your combo and that’s totally fine. A lot of people tried to sell me on the tandem tslimx2 because I already had my dexcom g6. But I didn’t wanna deal with the tubing, and am hoping the next gen Omnipod (Horizon) has a decent closed-loop insulin delivery… whenever the hell they release it! :laughing:


Exactly matches my attitude and approach. I also enjoy not having to deal with all the DME hassles if switching pumps…Dash pods via pharmacy are convenient.

Congrats on the great A1c and smooth transition to pods!


That’s my experience too. I now plan to take anything over 10u with a syringe, and if I’ll be using a syringe then I don’t ask the pod to deliver anything. I never had this problem with the tubed infusion sets.

Despite the nuisance, the EROS pods are loopable, which for me is the overriding factor.


What is your average blood glucose if your A1C is 5.8? Mine isn’t that high (maybe 110?) and I get a zillion warnings on my Libre 2 CGM all the time when my numbers drop below 70. It rarely goes to a high above 150 for any length of time, but often stays quite low.


@Jubilee Here is a calculator for BG level to A1c or A1c to Bg level.



That is wonderful — congratulations!!! Not a small achievement so hopefully you are giving yourself the biggest of pats on the back.


I just got mine back and it’s 5.5 and I love my tandem pump SO MUCH.

I’m so glad you’re getting such good results, too!!!


My average blood glucose according to my dexcom g6 is 121, which on most a1c calculators translates out to 5.8

I am on the Omnipod dash and my correction is set at 140, my basal rate is erratic for the most part being my hormones like to drive me crazy haha but it starts at 8.4u/day, I have a median basal set at 9.6u/day, and my highest basal rate set at 12u/day.

I kind of do a dance between these through my weeks, as my body is getting used to the pump life and at times I see myself requiring more basal. It’s annoying when your numbers start rising and you know you haven’t begun to digest your meal yet lol.


I’m trying! I was excited about it for a week and then I went back to kicking my own ass every time I’ve hit a high. :laughing: It’s all about balance I guess.

I always try to remind myself of something my father has always said: If you’re gonna beat yourself up, remember to put down the hammer and pick up the feather :sweat_smile:

ty for the kind words!