"Activity" is not the same thing as "Exercise": Allison's Running Trial

Tell me about the pacing progression from 5 to 6 mph. What speed felt most comfortable?

Your cadence is fine at 170 for 6.0 mph. If you are having problems with getting a consistent cadence, you can get a free metronome app for your phone and set it for a specific number. That makes it very easy. Some running watches have that feature too.

But for now, it’s fine. You are not lumbering along. Just wanted to check that to make sure you were in the right ballpark.

And on the stuff I am not supposed to read…it all works together.

So yes, hormones are gonna impact your basal needs. But the exercise does not go away, it’s still a factor.

If you had an evil twin who was exactly the same, except she was not running. Her BG might have been 150 all night!

So you really don’t know that exercise did not impact it at all.

Anyway, hope you and your evil twin have a good day.


Maybe I am the evil twin. :crazy_face:

5.0mph is uncomfortably slow
5.5mph is comfortable
6.0mph is good but a bit of a stretch cardiovascularly beyond two minutes (based on other runs)…hopefully that will get better soon enough


Without a doubt!


i used to think this about myself as well. blessed with great skin (even at 55) so why cover it up?

HOWEVER, my long blonde locks were another story altogether :wink:. but finally, when i could not get my hair into my swim cap, i gave in and cut it short. once it was short, it became easier to cut it shorter. my husband LOVED it (thank goodness). so i was really, besides requiring insulin (which has become less and less since i began swimming), i am practically a no-maintance-kinda-gal :swimming_woman: and i have to say, it is much cheaper :rofl:

(as i am writing this, however, i am in the process of growing back my long locks. i miss it so. but this time i am prepared to figure a way to shove it into that swim cap!!!)


OH NO!!! now that Eric is giving you the “evil twin” story, you know that you have been roped in to his bewitching graces. you’re a gonner now :rofl:

Daisy Mae, current follower of our local guru and his practices.


for whatever reason, i can feel myself dropping while even doing nothing…or while i am just walking around the neighborhood. however, in the pool, i lose ALL sense of hypos. i can swim really laborously while in perfect target, and swim hard while going low.

any other swimmers (or athletes) have to deal with this???

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On a side note about my hair…

So, I go to the pool today with my husband and boys. I had beautifully straight hair. Normally I wouldn’t care about not getting it wet…but I put an hour into it yesterday and had two more good days ahead of me, so I put it up in a high pony tail out of the way. I was going to try to jump into the 5 foot end of the pool and not go under. Then my husband took advantage of my competitive spirit and swung his arms like he was going to get into the pool before I did…and that made me do a fast canon ball into the pool. He just stood on the side of the pool laughing because he knew I would rush and jump in bc I’m like that. He never planned on jumping in then.



Just changed another pump on Day 1. Yesterday’s pump failed and screamed. Today’s I couldn’t get my bg to come off of 190 through the afternoon. It had been fine through breakfast and the run. After the run I went swimming for an hour so maybe it got too jostled then. I pulled it and it bled. I’m hoping for a better run of pump sites ASAP.


Oh you’re killing me.

Don’t spoil the ending for her!


next thing you’ll be explaining to her is the results of the evil twins when one of them takes an IM shot and the other doesnt.

Allison, beware!!! :laughing:


See, @Eric? There is a strong exercising sisterhood forming which is completely your fault. :grin::grin:


You women should have a name for your gang.


:raising_hand_woman: meee! I had one of my best runs of this past month the other day when I was around 40s the whole time. My music was so loud I didn’t hear my phone screaming… I actually felt so bad for those working out around me when I realized


i am beginning to find this all very suspicious…hummmmm :thinking::rofl:


Whatever do you mean, DM?!?

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Crap, once these topics get into my head they just start buzzing around in there, and they keep going and just won’t stop until I spit them all out.

Usually I end up writing a song.

So…I just gotta do this…

It’s late. Hopefully it will get buried under a bunch of posts and be overlooked.


  • The Mother Runners :family_woman_boy_boy:

  • The Runny B’s :honeybee:

  • The Hot-to-Trots :running_woman:

  • Runny Bunnies :rabbit2:

  • The Mileage Milfs :railway_track:

  • The Sexy-cisers :lips:

  • Kwik Chics :baby_chick:

  • Galloping Gals :racehorse:



I was thinking along the lines of “Barker’s Beauties” which ended up being “Eric’s Exercisers” but I assumed that would sit funny with people…

…your suggestions are WAY better! And I like the thought of having a gang.


@T1Allison Love it!

I know cheerleading is a sport, so I want to be in as a cheerleader :slight_smile:

I’ve run the mile and cross-country while in high school (many moons ago) and was a swimmer 100 yard breast stroke … and taught and coached swimming up until our move away from home 20+ years ago now.

So … as, at the moment (and for the past umpteen moments) I’m not running nor swimming … I’ll cheer ya’ll on from my desk! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:



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Week 3 Run 3: 22:00, 1.86 miles, 5.5 RPE (5.5 mph, 170 cadence)
I had a pretty active morning prior to the run (side note: my dog isn’t circling the drain anymore! The day after I called the vet to discuss evaluating his quality of life for purposes of euthanasia, he must have heard me on the phone bc he FINALLY started eating and pooping real poop again…he was mad at me yesterday for not getting him out on a walk so I took him on a super long walk first thing this morning) so I ended up doing:
ZB 40:00 prior, ran 2:40 after breakfast injection, had 8g carb 10 minutes before run to stop a decline

Starting bg: 106
Ending bg: 102