$25 Amazon gift card to the first person

I am posting this in the Share category so I don’t give away the answer with a category.

I’ll give a $25 Amazon gift card to the first person who can tell me why I am posting this. There are a few key words I am looking for.

Good luck, and have at it:

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Feel your BG – with your feelings, not your meter.


No mystical energy field controls my destiny… it’s all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense


Your instincts are the best control of your destiny.


Wax on. Wax off?


Some nibbling on the edges so far, but not quite there yet.

It does have to do with diabetes.

Although blinded by our non-working pancreas, we have many tools at our disposal to stop rising blood sugar from hurting our bodies.

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Mike, you are moving in the right direction. What tools do you use?

This could turn out to be our doublets thread :wink:



I really do hope to make this a good opportunity to share an idea that I think is extremely important and helpful.

@Eric I was kidding. I had just read @Michel 's recent post about how our site is doing and thought it was funny.


Oh man the pressure . . . not sure on how specific you want me to be . . .

For me, Afrezza is like the lightsaber that stops the rising blood sugar in it’s tracks and prevents harm to my body. And my CGM helps me from being blinded by a non-working pancreas.

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I would make the argument that Afrezza is more like the “good blaster at your side” than the light saber.


Insulin is the lightsaber then?

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Who would win a fight between you with a lightsaber and Yoda without?

Yoda because he has the force on his side.

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btw - my inner Star Wars geek is on full blast right now LOL

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Don’t focus on insulin.

What do you as an Afrezza user do totally different than a pump or MDI user?

snort, sniff, puff-puff pass?


I know!

Use medical marijuana, get high and start mumbling about the force!

The secret here is – you never said it has to do with diabetes :slight_smile:

Send me my $25.