Your AID system will only be as good as

your CGM will let it be. I am having bouts with my Dexcom again, well really it never goes away. I know this is beating a dead horse & been discussed many times but hey I need to vent so thanks for taking your time to visit my post.

Pictures say it all.

This is just one example. This happens all the time. I am on my 3rd sensor doing the same thing with me trying to calibrate & nurse the deathcom thru to the 10th day. Stick a fork in me I am done being a nurse. I am on the G7 but the G6 did this too, Maybe not quite as much but I still remember being quite peeved with it. I do numerous finger sticks a day for calibrations. It almost seems like it would be better to just go back to finger sticks & MDI :no_good_man:

This is just one of the extreme cases, what about the not so extreme that happen day in & day out but go unnoticed. I am forced to micro-manage my system because I know it’s giving me too much or too little insulin a lot of the time. Henceforth my roller coaster ride :roller_coaster:

Makes it hard to trust any AID system or to evaluate a new one like Trio.

More about Trio later on @TomH 's iAPS post after I get the Gee7 worked out.

Cheers :smiley:
PS: thanks I feel much better! :joy:



ETA: Enjoyed your rant ‘cos we have all been there!




:joy: @Eric I like it. I am thinking about SobeiT AKA Deathcom & putting up your photo but I think this photo may already be taken :roll_eyes:

Trio does have a nice feature. Smoothing Glucose Value

Go figure it just can’t deal with Deathcom’s Gee7 extremes :rofl:


I think this would be perfect!



@Eric I got only one thing to say…

SobeiT :grin:


That is perfect!

BTW, since you are on the G7, that’s what I put in his hand.


And besides, the G6 wouldn’t fit. :joy:



Very artistic who da known the grim reaper with a Gee7 in his hand would make my day!

Thank you kindly :smile:


I sympathize. Just when things seem to be working well, it seems a new issue appears. Yesterday, I changed site, G6 sensor and transmitter. The old transmitter had been working well and was past the 90 day mark. Around noon, the sensor started after warmup and I received readings on my pump, which took a while to match my finger pokes. Husband and I went out for dinner, at which point I pulled out my phone to check my BG. Message reads “PAIR”. I didn’t have the code with me so attempted to pair once I arrived home. Followed instructions a few times and finally called Tech Support. The rep was super with me, and decided it must be one of two blue tooth contacts on the transmitter that had failed. I said I felt safe since my pump is working fine, but that my phone was sending an audible alarm every few minutes. I turned it off for the night. I now await FedEx delivery of my replacement transmitter and G6 sensor. Thanks for allowing me to share my rant.


@Sally It’s just really tough most pump manufacturers want you to stay hands off & let it do it’s work but our sometimes years of mistrust for our CGM’s forces us into a position of having to micro-mange. Oh well one day at a time & here’s looking toward a future were we don’t have to micro-mange :smiley:


Thanks! I am so new at this T1D life. Aug. 30 marks my second diaversary. I appreciate all the experiences, solutions, ideas for continuing to live a good life! I really admire people who have lived with T1D for decades, and all the parents who are supporting their children in managing this disease. I don’t understand a lot of the technical stuff that smart people write about here. I just know that we need it to work!


Wish I could say Happy :partying_face: but some days I am just socially challenged so I will just say you made it another year :+1: