Welcome, introduce yourself here!

hi, i’m new here! lifetime athlete and outdoorsperson located in the mountains of the great american PNW. there’s no history in my family of diabetes, so last year i was baffled when i experienced increasing exercise intolerance, fatigue, poor sleep, escalating polyuria, and unexplained/unnecessary weight loss.

i ended up taking myself to the ER where it was revealed i had blood sugar of 390, an a1c over 14, and a bmi around 15, and that’s how i learned i was diabetic. i was dehydrated and emaciated, and still trying to train through: the care team was amazed i had made it in before i went into DKA. i was released a few hours later after IV fluids and some insulin, and the next day began my journey through life with diabetes.

unfortunately my first provider default diagnosed me as t2 and put me on metformin. i reacted badly and ended up switching providers, and i am finally getting an insulin treatment program ironed out and wearing a libre 3 cgm. bloodwork shows very low c peptide and we are waiting on autoantibody results. given my profile, family history, bloodwork to date, and my longterm lifestyle, the working assumption is t1.5/lada.

any tips or recommendations, especially for managing diabetes as an athlete and in outdoor and endurance sports especially, would be so appreciated! it’s nice to have a community to feel a little less alone!