It first started after poking my finger but instead of the normal poke I used like 6 points instead of 3 by accident (poke depth)
It got a little swelled but then I pinched it… it bled and then after couple of days it became like the photos…
Should I pop it? If yes… how? Skin around it is kinda thick… I think it’s just the old dead tissue The diameter hasn’t got any bigger. Nor the height but I feel the pressure (from the blood inside)
If there is pressure inside that is uncomfortable, then yes. Use an alcohol swab and an insulin syringe.
(They are great tools for all kinds of stuff like that. I don’t know how the non-D’s remove splinters.)
Then clean it real well and put on some Neosporin and tape it up.
This is what I have used when someone in the family gets a blister. I don’t just use the syringe to poke a hole in the blister, I use it to draw the fluid out. That might be what you were thinking too. It works very well!
@Israel Ouch! The pics look like it is very sore! Best of luck to you!
So I poked it, tried to cut the thick dead skin in the surrounding and now my finger looks like this. The uncomfortable pressure is gone, it bled a lot… Now I only feel a small lump if I press the finger against something…
Thinking on going to see a doctor… don’t know if I need stitches or how to lower the ‘little red ball’
Any thoughts, ideas?? I have liquid antiseptic and neosporin at hand.
@Israel That looks sore! My husband’s podiatrist does not like peroxide or alcohol for wounds. He says it actually hurts the tissue, rather than helping it. His preference for a cleaner is sterile saline solution or Vashe wound cleansing solution. Vashe is expensive and not that easy to find in our local area; it has to be ordered in.
Because of its location, on your finger tip, clean it, apply a little (as in not a lot at all) neosporin, and a fresh bandage several times a day.
If it doesn’t look better by Monday, call and make an appointment.
I agree with @Tapestry - keep it clean over the weekend and get it checked out if you don’t notice improvement.
I’ve gotten a lot of advice that soap and water are good ways to clean small wounds like that (or stitches, for that matter). Nothing aggressive, but keeping it clean helps. Also petroleum (or petrolatum or Vaseline) jelly is the recommeded stuff to put on wounds from a few different doctors lately - keeps it from scarring as badly I guess?
I’m sorry it is busted and bugging you. Hoping it heals fast!
Update 3. Doctor said it’s just an hematoma. I removed some of the top dead skin and now looks like this.
The pressure is no longer there. It kinda hurt before
Now it feels like the skin is too soft and thin. Im scared to grab something tight as I feel it will pop again…
Sometimes it becomes more red, sometimes it gets lighter…
Not sure what to do
@Israel What about some liquid skin now? I’m not a huge fan of the stuff, but this looks closed over enough that it will help to act as a nice barrier and perhaps give you some peace-of-mind in the process.
Edited to add: The pics look better than before. Patience is the best medicine sometimes. Try not to pick at it.
Thank you, yeah it’s a lot better than before. What concerns me is that the skin in the middle is too thin, I actually made myself bleed a little today by accident.
Anyway, I saw a doctor today and told me a little cyst is developing and he recommended me to have it removed. So we’ll wait until Monday to see how it evolves and if needed he will cut it off and put 1 or 2 stitches.
Update 4, Dr saw the wound and decided to cut the damaged tissue out, the procedure was done in his office and took around 30 minutes. Finger is still numb because of the anesthesia. Got 3 stitches and now im on painkillers and antibiotics for a week.
Thanks for the update, @Israel! I’ll send good thoughts your way that it heals quickly for you! An index finger (heck, any finger!) is hard to be without!
Time for an update. I got the damaged tissue excised on Monday What the doctor cut out looked like a pink ball of meat… And the resulting wound was DEEP…
Now today was time to change the bandages… Scary as some of the fluid dried and stuck to the bandage…
I spent some time trying to separate them as it stills hurt.
Here’s a pic of the stiches.
Seems it’s healing well…
3 days so not sure what to expect in such a short time. Stiches photo here
Thanks @Israel and youch! That does look sore. It shouldn’t be too difficult to change the bandage the next time as their shouldn’t be as much drainage. There are teflon dressings which, like the teflon skillet, are meant to not stick. You can get them at any pharmacy.