Upcoming gratitude meditation with the Diabetes Sangha

This Wednesday at 8 pm Eastern Time the Diabetes Sangha will hold a hosted meditation focusing on Gratitude. Follow the Zoom link on the events page to participate in the practice. No experience needed, simply a willingness to connect with other PWDs.


I don’t know if there are any other Diabetes Sangha people here or people with meditation practices, but want to give a plug to Diabetes Sangha. I was introduced to them a year and a half ago at a Slipstream “camp” in Maine and have done a number of their standalone meditations. My daughter and I also did a couple of their courses that are posted on YouTube when she was suffering through a long-term injury and we were bonded over “chronic” issues. Then this spring I took their five week “Being with Diabetes” meditation course and thought it was terrific, not only for expanding my meditation practice, but for adding to my diabetes community. Thanks for posting this @CatLady and I would love to hear if anyone here is already involved with DS!